The first date: Ice skating with toby

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We were on the plane when james was tweeting back and forth with us saying how excited he was. When it was time we got off the plane and lonnie picked us up. "hey girls do u have my cheeseburger?" he asked
"hey lonnie!" sierra said ignoring the cheesburger part.
"hey lonnie and no sorry we dont havr ur cheeseburger but we can stop and get u one if u want" i said hugging him as sierra got on the bus.
"nah thats alright itd be nice but i was joking." lonnie said
i could hear sierra talking from instince.
"hey toby hi thomas." i said unexpectingly.
"hey vanna." "hey wats up? How was the flight?" toby and thomas asked.
"nm and it was alright i guess what u guys doin?" i asked
"came with lonnie so he wouldnt be alone and thought it be cool to talk with u guys." toby answered.
"well im off to bed im sorry im just really tired now." thomas said.
"night thomas!" i said
"hey vanna?" sierra asked
"yeah?" i questioned.
"can u grab the computer off the table i left when i was coming in bring it to the back room." sierra sounded bossy.
"ill be right back" i said to toby.
i came back out and i sat on the couch thingy on the bus. i pulled out my phone to txt my mom.
"so how was ur dads? Sorry i didnt call u back the sec time." toby apologized.
"no need to apologize its fine really and it was ok i guess its just my dad." i said
toby hopped over towards me.
"would u like to go skating with me when we get to ny it might take some things off ur mind?!" toby asked
is he asking me out? I thought
"um sure thatd be nice but im not the best skater." i laughed
"dont worry im not either." toby said.

a few days pass and its time to go to ny and toby hasnt mentioned anything about iceskating yet. he still talks and hangs with me everyday weve been on tour.
we all laughed. Toby gets out of the van and walks close to me.
"so whens the date night?" toby asked
"whenever ur compfortable." i said with a smile.
"got it hows tonight? Or will u be to tired?" Toby asked
"tonight is perfect." i said
"whats tonight?" ryan comes up behind us.
"nothing" toby said quick.
we got in the hotel we all had seprate rooms except we had a buddie of course i had sierra. toby was txting me different times on when to go.
"7? 8? 9?" Toby was now questioning
"how bout 8? Or is it too late?" I asked.
"alright no thats fine i think we are heading to chipotle for dinner." toby txted back.
"toby said we r going to chipotle for dinner." i told sierra txting toby back.
"ok isnt that ur fav resturant?." Sierra asked
"yeah y?"
"nothing juat asking."
we all met outside of the hotel and walked to chipotle. i was riding on connors back for a little bit then talking with thomas and sierra. We sat down to eat and we all had a good time we mainly talked about our families and our childhood, we then headed back to the hotel before it got really dark and the guys and sierra were tired. An hour later my sister was asleep and i txted toby "ill be outside waiting for u."
"ok be right there." he txted back
lonnie was driving us. "r u sure u dont want to stay here and get some rest?" i asked lonnie who looked tired.
"no this is a city that never sleeps and apperently u guys dont either plus i can take a nap while u guys do ur thing." lonnie laughed.
"ok and remember dont tell the guys cuz all they will want to do is tease me." toby said
"got it" lonnie did a thumbs up.
we got there put skates on and i headed out on the ice. i thought i was gonna fall but turns out im doin pretty good.
tobys sliding everywhere and falling. i couldnt help but laugh yet i did help him up a couple times then he got a hang of it when we held hands.
"wow im sorry im really bad" he apologizes looking me in the eyes
"hey its alright i used to do what u did all the time when my dad would take me and no one would help me up but my uncle bj or sierra." i said
"sound like u had fun" toby joked
"not those days but tonight i have had fun." i said
we went one more circle around.
we smiled and stopped to take our skates off. toby sat on a bench when he finished.
"thanks so much i had a lot of fun" toby said putting his arm around me
"thank u havent had a total fun day like this for a while" i said
"we should probably get back cuz lonnie seems tired and the guys and ur sister will hear us come in." toby says
we leave and head back to the hotel for sleep tomorrows a big day.

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