Back home :)

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A few days later after a blast with the guys and in cali i was home unpacking when i got a txt from my uncle the oldest one asking if i could help watch gabby there daughter just for a few hours while they had to do a few things. Of course i was going to say sure id lov too. He responded back u can bring a couple freinds a long too but i would like to meet them. I let out a little laugh hes kidding right. I asked mom to take me since i still cant drive just yet. I txted the boys and asked if i could stop by for a sec. After we greeted and hugged each other..."i know this is kinda last min its ok if not but i didnt know if any of u would like too come hang out with me while i was watch my little cousin shes very cute." i said
"we'd lov to vanna we appriciate that but we got some plans we got to go record in the studio today" lonnie said
"but i finished yesterday so may i go it would probably be good cuz she probably wont have anyone to talk to anyway.?!?" toby asked
"sure bro" connor said
"see ya" toby grabbed his jacket and we headed to the car.
"just toby?" mom askrd as we got in the car
"they had to do some things." i said
"hi mrs deanna" toby greeted
"hey toby how r u?" mom greeted back
toby smiled looking nervous though he rubbed his pants. We when arrive...
"have fun!!!" mom shouted as we got out of the car
"this is a nice house" toby said as we walkrd to the door.
" hey!" my uncle greeted loudly hugging me tightlt "and who may thia young man be, wait i know ur from that band vanna use to obbsess over well technically still does."
"uncle earl!!!" i shouted
"what it was true right?" he askrd
we laughed
"im toby and yes if u meant the band before you exit im from the band." toby said shaking hands with him
"hi aunt becky" i said walking in
"hey vanna so whod u bring with u?" becky asked
"um..." i started
"she brought rhe boy from that band toby i beleive." uncle interupted
"toby mcdonough?" she asked
"thats me" toby came over
"nice to meet u love" she says
"so gabby?!" i asked
"oh right! Uknow this stuff uve done it bdfore right?" uncle asked
"yeah!" i responded
"ok any problems call us" aunt said
"ok have fun" i shouted
i walked over to gabby and picked her up. As they walked out the door "have fun besties" i heard uncle saying
"shes beautiful" toby said
"yes she is." i said
"so um i know u probably know somewhat a lot about me but is it ok if i ask u like questions about ur family?" toby asked
i laughed because of when he saod i know a lot about him "yeah u can and sorry i wasnt laughing to hurt ur feeling its just the way u said i know a lot about u." i said
"so i know craig is ur step father right so wheres ur father?" toby asked as we sat on the couch and gabby making noise toby tickles her she laughes
"awww" i said "and the answer to tje question would be my father isnt right um and hes still alive i mean i just dont visit him because he hurt a lot of people emotionally so me abd sierra dont see him much but we still get to see our other sisters" i said
"oh ok sorry didnt mean to upset u." toby said "u have more sisters? How many total?"
"four" i said
"oh wow ok." he said
"yup two on each side." i responded
"nice so what about ya know ur hearing? Or should i have not said that because its too personal." toby asked
"toby u can ask me anything it wont hurt or effect me i may be sensitive but i just have to learn that if i dont like something to avoid it but ur not that person nither are ur freinds and brothers. My hearing started when i was three i was deaf i lost hearing out of both ears but i had two hearig aids now just one lucky ibhad those or today i wouldnt be hearing anything which meant no music so imagine what i would cope with ...nothing" i said
toby just looked at me like wow
"so u can hear louder now?" toby askrd
"yes with this i can." showing him my hearing that looked like the ear peice u use for the stage
"thats nice im glad u can hear" toby
"thanks i dont think ive ever shared part of my life story with anyone." i said
"every girl has a story" toby said
gabby started cryin so i made her a bottle anf she fell asleep we talked and watched tv played with the dogs just for a little before aunt and uncle came in.

When mom came to pick us up she asked how things went and we talked and then she said the most shoking news. "vanna i know we should have said this earlier but u know craig and i's anniversary is coming up and wr are planning on taking a trip would u mind staying with ur dad?" mom asked pausing at the stop light
"oh" my heart sank
toby looked at me like im sorry
we didnt talk much on the way home but toby txted me emojis the whole time and the guys did a group message talkinf about the tour together thing with sierra and i and altogether it was like over 200 messages. "thanks toby " i said aloud
"for what" mom asked
"oh we r txting about the tour and the guys spammed me." i responded
when we arrived it was late the guys stayed over night and they are heading back to orlando tom at noon.

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