Part 39

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"Goodmorning rise and shine!!!!!!" My shouted slamming the door.
"Cheez what times is it?" I rubbed my eyes from the light as I turned over.
"Um about 2." Betzy answered
"And so I slept late y didn't yall wake me earlier? You bros are nuts!" I said
"We're not nuts ps toby called and I had to answer to tell him you were asleep." Betzy said
"Really? Oh my McDonough I've got one hour before I have to meet at the stage." I said
They all gave me a confused glare.
"What?" I questioned
"Oh my McDonough?" Nj said
"Heck yeah U heard me." I rushed to the bathroom to get ready and then head out.
"We have everything before I shut the door?" I asked
"Yes." "Yes vanna we do." Each of them said.
"Ok just making sure." I said
"So u gonna talk to olly about your little sisters birthday?" Nj asked
"Yeah I will." I said

When we arrived we said our greetings and got right on it. I wanted to talk to olly first.
"Hey olly do u have a sec?" I asked knocking on the door.
"Yes I do what's up?" He has his own accent. We sat down in the backstage room of his.
"Um well I don't really know how to start this because I don't want to come out weird but my little sisters birthday is tomorrow afternoon and I'm kinda missing it but I don't want to if I flew out now I would only stay for an hour and fly back because of the show tomorrow night is there a way that we can do it another night?" I said kinda nervous
"Yeah sure." He said
"Really?" I asked
"Yes vanna I appreciate U coming to talk and ask with me all we have to do is get the fans tickets renewed for the re dated show." he said
"Omg thanks so much! Just don't say I'm going to my little sisters birthday because I want it to be a suprise now." I smiled
"Okie dokie U got it now let's have some fun tonight." He said
"Yup!" I said heading to my dressing room to start getting ready. I checked my phone.
"Have fun today we will miss u tomorrow."-toby
"Good luck rock on today!"-riley
"Have fun!!!! We miss you."-connor
"Tell nj he better get those drums working harder! Jk lol have fun today we all miss u!"-thomas
Some of the guys txted me. I didn't have time to answer.
"Hey nj thommy said U better get your drums working harder!" I shouted from across the room scaring the crew.
"Ok!" He shouted back
Why were we shoutings? Haha I don't know.
"Alright you guys are on in 5....4..,.3....2"

The next part should be longer because of the suprise hope u are enjoying :) sorry it was short

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