Part 58

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The morning I have to leave.
I walked passed toby who was leaning on the wall watching me looking all depressed. this is really the first time I've ever seen him this depressed.
"We will miss you." mrs mcdonough said giving me a hug after I put my suitcase down on the ground. She looked like she was gonna cry.
"I'll miss you too thanks for letting me stay here" I said then looked over to where toby was and riley had his hand on tobys shoulder while connor was talking to him.
"Your welcome I'm glad you could stay it's always fun when your around. see you when you get back?" She questioned at the end.
"Uh yeah I will." I tried to do a smile.
"Thanks for all the time it was great having you here we all love and will miss you." mr mcdonough hugged me next my eyes started watering seeing tobys. I just don't understand why it's all going different because we are away many times and seem sad but I guess because it hasn't been that long.
"Your welcome and thank you" I said
"Take care have a good time" connor came over and hugged me.
"What they all said." riley said hugging me. we chuckled causing me to get readying to cry. Toby starting walking over.
"You go have fun I'm happy for you this is a big deal just remember I'll miss and love you I'll be waiting for you when you get back." toby said while hugging me. then he pulled away and reached for the last kiss before it was a goodbye for now.
"Bye." they all looked at me.
"You said b. Y. E " riley said we all laughed.
"I know ri guy I did it all on purpose." I said.
"Well I should probably get going so I don't miss my flight." I said I got in the car after giving a group hug and slowly drove away so I could wave. as soon as I get to the seconds block away from there house I see toby finish waving and head inside.
After the flight and I arrived at the airport waiting for my manager I noticed this girls were like having there fangirl moment and I wasn't sure if it was because I was there or if it was because they were so excited to get somewhere. They waved so I just waved back with the best smile I had.
"Hey! There's my other favorite poe." Kenny the manager came up to me.
"Really?" I gave him one of those looks 'still not gonna cheer me up'
"Sorry just thought your mood would be a little better I know leaving the guys was hard." he said
"Yeah it was hard but now that I think about it I still have them as friends and I mean I wouldn't be his way if I never even met them so why be like this now." I smiled
"Good for you always thinking positive." Kenny winked taking my suitcase.
When we arrived at his house Shannon his wife freaked out. we were like sisters when I was always home.
"AHHH LITTLE SISSY IS HOME." She came over and gave me the biggest hug I have had in the longest time. "I missed you so much, I'm sorry Kenny kicked you out from your friends." she added
"Haha I missed you too and it's alright though." I said
"So tomorrow we leave to head to the Philippines. so tonight we need to get some tracks in and then we can sleep later I know I'm sorry." mr Kenny said.
"It's fine." I tried to smile
"Want anything to eat or drink?" Shannon asked.
"Um in good but thank you though." I said
"I made those cookies you like." she tried to get me to eat one.
"Oh alright teaser I'll have one." she handed me a cookie and a water bottle. a min after taking a bite of the delicious cookie my phone went off. I looked it was toby texting 'I love you have a good flight and a good tour we will all miss you'. I didn't want to get all upset so I just ignored it but told myself I would answer it later. We went to the basement with all the studio stuff and I recorded some parts and that's when my phone went off like crazy.
I got a call from toby ms mcdonough riley and connor along with thomas. then ryan was spamming me sigh texts to get me to answer.
"I'm sorry." I said to Kenny and sierra
"Go ahead answer it." Kenny said
"Ok brb." I said
since thomas was calling at the moment and I couldn't quite answer Ryan's texts I answered thomas.
"Hey what's up? Is something wrong?" I asked
"Yeah mr mcdonough just had a heart attack." he said
"Are you kidding me? Is this serious? Are you guys just trying to get me to come back?" I asked
"No we're not joking." He said
"Oh my god." I put my hand to my eyes.
"I thought it was oh my McDonough." He questtioned.
"Really thomas do we have time to play around?!" I told him
"No sorry. We r in the hospital now just thought we would all let you know." he said
"Well thank you. tell mr mcdonough I said I'm so sorry I can't be there and hope he gets well soon I'll be "home" before he knows it." I told thomas.
"Will do love see you soon miss you already." he said
"I do too. thanks again. Lov yall bye." I said
"Hahahahaha you said bye." thomas laughed
"Ok bye"thomas went to his being normal self.
"Everything ok?" Kenny asked as I headed back to the basement.
"Yeah everything's ok." I sighed and got back to continuing what we started and worried the whole time but showed no feelings.

Hope you are enjoying. just a few chapters left! Thanks for being patient I know I haven't updated in the longest time.

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