You told him, "I'm fine. I'll see you guys later"

You went to Xavier's hiding place and waited for them there. You explained what happened to the others. Not long after, Rapunzel and her friends came in. (What happened with them was pretty much what happened on the show)

Rapunzel went up to fix her frying pan. You snuck upstairs, knowing she'd want to sneak out. You were right. You followed her to the tunnels.

"You shouldn't do this alone" you said in a monotone voice.

She told you, "Y/n, you should go back"

"No. I'm not going back. Let me come with you so you won't inevitably fail just most likely fail"

"Again, not very positive"

"Well I'm not trying to be positive" you remarked in the same monotone voice.

"You can come with, just be quiet"

She led your through the tunnels and to the palace. You nearly got caught but you guys ducked away in to a room, Cassandra's room.

Rapunzel grabbed the old lady in waiting dress and sat on the bed, crying.

Tears starting dripping down Rapunzel's face as she said, "I thought she would always be here"

"So did I" you told her.

A voice came out of nowhere and said, "Well well well. Look who we found"

Before you knew it, you and were Rapunzel were thrown into a cell. You decided to sit down and Rapunzel decided to stand up.

Rapunzel grabbed the bars, "Varian, how could you this?"

He told her, "I want you to know I wish it didn't come to this but when someone trusts you and you betray them well this is what happens"

You took the container with the green magic stuff from out of your pocket.

"My kingdom needed me. I couldn't do anything about the amber and I had to stay. I never meant to break my promise to you, Varian. We were friends"

You looked at it, kept examining it in your hands. It's funny how something so small could have such a big effect.

"That's the beauty of my plan. In the end, when your memory has been erased, we can be friends again"

Psh, as if. The only way you could be friends with him again is if he apologized.

"But you're only making it worse. None of these people did anything to you!"

Didn't they try to attack him? Like weren't they apart of the attack on Old Corona?

"It's not with they did to me. It's what I did to them and there is no way that they will ever forgive me"

He does know Corona's like the most forgiving kingdom ever right?

"How do you know if you don't give them the chance?"

"I took their queen and y/n prisoner! I threatened their princess! I helped these guys take over their kingdom! You think anyone's going to give me a second chance? I don't think so. No, making them forget is the only way to fix what I've done"

Dude had a point but he seemed to forget that Corona is literally the most forgiving place ever. Even you would be willing to forgive him under the right circumstances.

Andrew said, "Yeah there's been a slight change of plans, buddy. Now that she's back, we don't have time for you to get your memory formula right"

Inevitable betrayal. He should've seen this coming.

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