Zant's War - Zant's Awakening

Start from the beginning

He read it.

It was a short scroll. Merely a sentence long. Yet in reading it, Zant's inner mask shattered. He dropped the scroll and fled the tent.

Ryo took a step back to steady himself. He let out a long breath. It had taken great effort to be so calm and charismatic. Now that the assassin had seemingly gone to choose another target, he could settle himself. Who had sent the assassin? In truth, Ryo did not know who sent the Sheikah, but the assassin's hesitation was something he managed to use.

He picked the scroll up. "So uncouth. He could have at least reapplied the seal. Now I'm going to have to repair it myself."


Zant's fragile mind strained under the weight of two. He screamed, he threw himself around, he cursed and swore and knocked everything down around him. He clutched at his head demanding the pain to leave. Finally he released his fist and threw the Fae across the room. Tetsu collapsed where she landed. Guards, hearing the racket, stormed into the room and searched the room, but they could find no one.

The open window banged against the palace in the heavy wind.

-Mitagi House, Qin-

Impa sat at the table tapping her fingers impatiently. She had a feeling what this meeting was about, and she was prepared for it. Didn't mean she had to like it.

"Shadowmaster Impa of the Sheikah clan." She declared herself.

"Phantom Barc Lon of the Sheikah clan." Another stated.

"Phantom Jin Bao of the Sheikah clan."

"Phantom Abrucan of the Sheikah clan."

Another three were named of lesser rank, but these three were the only ones of any importance. They were the next rank down from Impa and were loyal to Zelda's Qin.

"Shadowmaster Impa, we have called for this meeting to discuss the matter of your meeting with the princess." Barc declared. Impa nodded.

"What do you have to say about it?" Impa inquired.

"Your choice exposed you unnecessarily, and our clan." Abrucan said.

"I was very careful." Impa said. "I only revealed myself to High Princess Zelda and to Ouki Mitagi. I assure you, gentlemen, no one else had the slightest idea I was there."

"Yet you still acted in contrast to our need to stay hidden."

"Our mission is to serve the princess, not ourselves. The princess is alone in the palace and I decided a moment of familiarity and assurance would do her well." This hushed them briefly. Impa continued, "And it sounds to me like you have already discussed the matter."

"Our clan merely feels that your focus has become... compromised." Jin tried to sooth her.

Abrucan though, was far more blunt. "We are at war with Zant over the fate of our clan, and his power if left unchecked could have dire consequences of the nation of Qin. We cannot made idle moves. We cannot expose ourselves unnecessarily."

"I know that. I did not make an idle move. It may not have been in the best interest of the Sheikah, but it was in the best interest of Qin."

"And that is where we believe your interests have become compromised." Jin said.

Impa narrowed her eyes at him. They were all difficult to make out in the darkness, but she could make out his shape. "Do you mean to imply that as Sheikah we serve ourselves before Qin?"

"Not at all." Jin replied.

"My lady..." Barc leaned forward. "We are not implying your loyalty is compromised, but your mindset. Allow me to say this plainly. Are you a Sheikah Shadowmaster or Qin minister?"

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