Rebel's War - Second Strike

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-That night, somewhere in Mitagi-

A particular man hurried about in his shop. He loathed traveling again, but times were urgent. First, King Ganondorf Dragmire appeared in the Mitagi gates and disappeared just as quickly. Then, Zelda, Heir to the State of Qin, appears. An assassin tries to strike, and suddenly the whole city is shaken. Guards and soldiers filled Mitagi. The city was a fortress and the military capital of Qin, so soldiers are to be expected, but not like this. There was always a strictness in everyone's behavior, but never like this. The city was almost under martial law. There was no curfew, but the man could not help but feel like he was being watched by the soldiers who stood at every corner. Soldiers who were ever watchful and wary.

It was a subtle thing, how air changes. The people were oblivious, and the orchestrator of this quiet state of martial law was a genius. The man gave the hidden general great credit, but unfortunately for him, he was no simple man. He had experience in subtly, in hidden wars, and battles inside the confines of cities.

The man smiled widely. "May the Ice Queen bitch get what's coming to her."

What fortune! The man thought. Of all things, for the Ice Queen's friend and man-servant to come, seeking a mask exclusively for her. What was it but fate! His smile grew even wider at the thought.

"She has met with a terrible fate."

It was a subtle thing, the art and craft of the Majora. A subtly he quickly learned, and desired to learn further. For example, when some masks were placed together, the combination could be something more. Taking two masks, the man placed them together. They were both empty masks, lacking in what bound them like other Majora masks. But he had found, stumbled actually, upon the truth of their special combination.

As a trigger.

His task done, the mask salesman piled his coin and rupee on his back with his mask collection. He also pulled a mask out, and after looking down on it, placed it on his face. Instantly, he transformed. He shapeshifted into a great wolf, larger than even the wolves of the Majora or Kokiri. The mask salesman became a wolf once considered so great it was a monster amongst wolves. His bulk filled the room and he quickly became as large as a house.

With the subtly and strength a great wolf wields, the mask salesman fled into the night and disappeared.

He went far and succeeded in avoiding attention, but a scent hit his nose. The wolf-mind rose and snarled at the scent. The metallic odor of blood mixed with something else, something unnatural. It smelled close. He peered into the night and followed the trail a short distance. He soon came across chewed and mangled guards on the ground. That explained the scent of death, he realized. But where was the-

Something jumped onto his back and bit into his flesh. The mask salesman roared in pain, spun, and tried to thrash the invader off. The beast on his back clawed back at him and bit him over and over. The wolf-mind roared louder, beating at the mask salesman's mind, and demanding to react. The mask salesman believed in keeping control, but he was a survivor first. He let himself go, and the wolf-mind leapt to the forefront of his perceptions.

The great wolf jumped into the air, spun, and slammed the earth with its back. The attacker let go, stunned. It was a moment, but it was enough for the wolf to act. It rolled to its feet and faced its opponent.

The monster was a beast with glowing orbs, akin to blinking eyes, covering its back, sides, and legs. Its underbelly was exposed and open, showing organs barely held by a protruding rib cage. Its legs were thin and numerous, and its hide was a hash of fur and scales at once. The space not occupied with the orbs bore hooked claws and thorns, and its mouth glowed alongside its many eyes.

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