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New Zealand's POV:

Ireland's house was small but cool looking. Aussie seemed really excited about seeing his old bedroom again. He told me stories about how he and Ireland would build model planes in the shed behind to house.

Ireland seemed to be a good dad. When he unlocked the door Aussie ran inside. I walked slowly behind Ireland as he sat down on the couch. Aussie ran up to me with almost real stars in his eyes. He grabbed my arm and told me we were going on a house tour.

I stood up to follow him, but he dragged me by my arm and ran around the house. I felt a little nervous and scared if I'm being honest.

"Slow down," I said as I was trying not to trip. Aussie stopped and looked back at me. He saw my expression and let go of my arm.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Aussie asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little shaken," I said. Aussie smiled and held out his hand for me to take. I smiled back at him and took his hand. We walked slowly around the house. He showed me where all the bathrooms were and were Ireland slept.

Soon enough, we came across Aussie's old room. The door was closed and covered in animal stickers. Aussie opened the door to reveal a really messy bedroom. It hadn't been tidied in ages.

The walls were covered in old posters of animals and planes. In one corner was a shelf with a lot of model planes that looked to be hand-painted. I was amazed at the number of toys he had in his room. He didn't have this many at home.

Aussie made his way over to the mini-fridge sitting next to his old bed while jumping over piles of clothes and toys that were left on the floor. He opened the fridge and pulled out a brown bottle. He took the cap off and took a swig.

"Here, try some," Aussie said as he passed the bottle to me. I looked down at the contents. I had a sip. It tasted like lemonade. I passed the bottle back to him and he drank the rest. I looked at all the toys on his floor and sat down next to a small race track set up.

Aussie pulled out a box of match-box cars and we spent the next few hours racing our favourite cars and testing out what ones were the fastest. While we were racing the two fastest cars of the box, North Ireland walked in. He looked around the room and picked up the empty brown bottle.

He walked out of the room and I could hear him arguing with Ireland. I didn't like their arguing. It made me feel unsafe. Aussie seemed to be really happy anyway. He seemed happier here.

"I thought your dad gave you away? Why does he still want you around?" I asked Aussie. I had been trying to connect the dots. With my experience with my sister and Netherlands. They never wanted me.

"He didn't have a choice. Dad always says that he regrets giving me away, but I still love him. Just because I no longer belong to him, it doesn't mean he doesn't love me less," Aussie answered.

Ireland's POV:

"What the hell brother! You can't give underaged kids alcohol!" North yelled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"It's lemonade. I wouldn't feed my son actual beer, not until he is old enough," I explained. North still looked angry. I hated living with my brother. He hated everything I did. He also backs UK's side. 

I know that UK is worse father than I am. I can see it in Aussie's eyes whenever we talk about his new father. He thinks he can hide it. He doesn't realise how obvious he is to read.  I can see both of their bruises. He is doing his best to be strong for his brother.

I'm proud of my son.

I decided to see the two of them. They were playing with toy cars in Aussie's room. They were having fun. It's really hard to imagine North and I having a similar relationship. North and I just fight a lot.

"Aussie, why don't we do that 'heist' you talked about doing," I laughed as I spoke. Aussie's eyes lit up.

"Yes! I have the money!" He shouted.

"Where did you get the money from?" I asked him.

"Kiwi and I stole it from UK!" Aussie responded just as excited. Yep, that's my boy. I looked at NZ who was focusing on a small green and yellow car. I remember it was Aussie's favourite one.

A short while passed and we were out on the road again. Aussie was sitting in the back with New Zealand while explaining the battle plan. He had really thought this through. ten minutes later and we were pulling into the car park of the supermarket.

It wasn't long before Aussie had shopping trolly and New Zealand was sitting in it calling directions out.

"To the ice cream!" NZ shouted as Aussie swung around the aisles. I ran behind the two of them to make sure they were okay and not getting into too much trouble. The two of them together were chaotic.

They managed to find the freezer section and began loading the trolly up with boxes and boxes of ice creams. Other people kept looking at us judgmentally. This only made me more proud. I began helping the boys load the rest of the ice cream.

Once all of the ice cream the boys desired was in the trolly we started walking to the counter to pay. I then remembered I needed to get toilet paper. I told the boys this. Aussie took the lead, while NZ ran closely behind.

They found the toilet paper section rather quickly. As I pulled up to the boys with the trolly which was already filled to the top with ice cream, Aussie began grabbing all the toilet paper off the shelf.

"All of it," Aussie said as he tried to put as much as he could into the already full trolly.

"No, we only need a couple of roles," I said. Aussie seemed disappointed and put the rolls back.

We ended up buying all of the ice creams. The cashier looked a little intimidated by the absurd amount of ice creams we were buying. We finished a box by the time we got home.


Greetings friends! Tis I!

I apologise for the late chapter but at least it is here. 

Also, I have 85 followers! How did that happen? I just want to hug you all!! And I want to celebrate my first 1K votes!!! My happiness is beyond existance itself!

Unfortunately, I won't be doing another 'ask them anything' until 20K reads. 

However! I have noticed that a lot of you are from other countries! I want you to tell me where you live and common stereotypes about your country!

From the Author!

Brotherhood (New Zealand Countryhumans)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora