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New Zealand's POV:

I couldn't help but cry. When I saw what happened to his arm I felt bad. Really bad. He put his arm around me to comfort me. He kept asking me what was wrong. I didn't want to tell him. I didn't know how to tell him. But still, he continued to ask me what was wrong.

"I'm sorry! Okay. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from hurting you!" I shouted. Canada looked shocked.

"What? Why do you say that as if it was your fault?" He asked.

"Because it was my fault!!" I shouted at him. Tears landed on my lap as wiped away what I could. Canada was going to say something, but I wouldn't let him.

"If I stayed to protect you, you wouldn't be like this!". Canada looked upset now.

"It's all my fault," I mumbled.

"Zea. None of this was your fault. Even if you did stay, what more could you do? You're so... well, small," He said.

"It was my fault. I should have protected you, you needed more help than I did," I said. He knew I was right. It doesn't matter if I'm small. I have protected in the past, I can do it again. And Canada. He doesn't stand up for himself. He will stand and take punishment even if it isn't deserved.

"You couldn't have done anything, he broke my arm, if you tried to stop him, what could he have done to you?" He said.

"I would have at least made a stand and attempted to help you, instead of running away like a pathetic child!" I shouted at him. I didn't say a word after that.

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." America said quietly. He was watching everything from behind his comic. UK then walked into the room sipping tea.

"Are you guys down arguing?" He said in an annoyed tone. We stayed quiet an America lifted his comic over his face to avoid eye-contact. UK heard everything we said. I felt embarrassed. He took another sip of his tea and then called Aussie into the living room.

We waited awkwardly for Aussie to arrive. When he finally walked down the stairs UK sat down in a slightly uncomfortably professional manner.

"All four of you will be coming to work tomorrow. There is a world meeting and you guys need to be there," He said. I was kind of shocked. I wasn't expecting that. All of a sudden I felt nervous.

"New Zealand, this will be your first time, so basic rules; you must be dressed Professionally, do not speak unless you are spoken too, and do not talk to the commies," He said in a dark tone. I nodded anxiously.

"And no talking about what goes on in this house," He added sternly. I nodded again and then UK stood up and went back to the kitchen to get more tea. I let out a big yawn and rubbed my eyes. I was really tired.

"Kiwi, why did you fall asleep in the car?" Aussie asked. I turned to him slowly.

"Do you have any idea, how loud you snore?" I said.


I felt kind of stressed. I hadn't had tea in so long and I felt awful. I guess breaking my son's arm was bad too. Nights at the hospital were sleepless and on top of that, I had to prepare for the world meeting. I didn't have time to punish New Zealand properly. Maybe after the meeting.

France had told me about the incident at the park. It's like New Zealand wants to be punished. He should know better than to talk with the communists. I start planing a worthy punishment for him. 

Asides from that, I also have to find some smart clothes for New Zealand to wear. His brothers all have clothes for meetings. They have been at least twice before. After a while, I decided to order dinner. I was too tired to cook. When I mentioned this to the boys they celebrated a little.

America kept asking for McDonald's. I told him no and that we were going to order pizza. America was the only one disappointed. During the time it took for the pizza to be delivered I made six cups of tea.

When the doorbell rang, Aussie was the first to answer the door. He took the pizza inside and tried to take it to his room. America and Canada stopped him. I paid the pizza delivery guy. The boys had set up the pizza in the lounge so I sat down with them and had a couple of pieces.

It was rather quiet besides the loud chewing sounds coming from America as he practically inhaled his pizza. I gave him a look.

"Just because I prefer McDonald's over pizza doesn't mean I not going to eat the pizza," He said as he looked back at me. Canada rolled his eyes and picked up another slice. I noticed New Zealand only had one slice of pizza. I wasn't too bothered though.

Shortly after dinner, I told them all to head for bed. I had another cup of tea before going upstairs to check on them. I opened America's door to see him reading his comics on his bed. He was dressed in his pyjamas yet.

After telling America off for not being changed I went to Canada's room. He was changed but I could see him hiding something under his pillow. He looked embarrassed so I just left. Australia was feeding his snakes and lizards. I told him to finish up quickly and get to bed.

New Zealand was the last one. I opened his door and saw him fast asleep under the covers. I saw that the window was still open so I walked over and closed it. I heard New Zealand stir a little in his sleep. He didn't wake up though so I carefully crept out of his room.

I went back downstairs. I thought about having another cup of tea when the phone rang. I went to answer it. It was Ireland. The conversation was very straight forward and simple. I hung up the phone and headed to bed. I hoped the boys could behave tomorrow.

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