Broom Broom

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Deutschland's POV:

I sat in Mr Netherland's chair, quietly watching Australia. He must have been really tired. Papa always told me to go to sleep early so I can grow big and strong. Maybe that's why Australia is bigger than me, it because he sleeps more.

I know he told me to watch him, but I was getting bored. I pulled out a couple of toy cars I had in my pocket. I began driving them over the chair.

"Broom broom, Ich bin schneller als du," I whispered as I mad the cars race. (Broom broom, I am faster than you)

"Nein, bist du nicht, ich bin schneller, broom broom," (No, you aren't, I'm faster, broom broom)

"Oh nein, wir werden abstürzen," I continued to whisper as I crashed the cars into the other. I fumbled one of the cars and dropped in on the ground. I watched as it slowly rolled over to Australia. The little car bumped into his hand. (Oh no, we're going to crash)

I quietly hopped down from the chair and wandered over to my car. I knelt down to pick it up, but just I grabbed, Australia grabbed my hand. Unsure of what to do, I sat down and waited for him to let go so I could continue playing. But he didn't move his hand. I still had my other car in my hand, so I started driving that one around.

I  quickly got curious, as I looked over at Australia. The thought popped in my mind a couple of times, but I eventually gave in. I started driving my little car on his arm. It was like a mountain. Surprisingly, Australia didn't even wake up to that. It was quite fun really.

"Broom broom. Achten Sie auf die Klippe!" I continued to play. (Broom broom. Watch out for the cliff!)

"Ich kann nicht aufhören!" (I can't stop!)

"Deutschland, stoppen Sie es sofort!" I whipped my head around to see papa standing at the door. (Deutschland, stop that immediately!)

"Es tut mir Leid, Papa" I said, ashamed I got caught. I put my car back in my pocket.

"Ich habe jetzt ein Treffen. Ich wollte wissen, ob du mitkommen willst" He offered. I loved going into meetings with Papa, but I looked down at my hand, still trapped by Australia. (I have a meeting now. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me)

"Kann ich hier bleiben? I asked. (Can I stay here?)

"Nur wenn du dich benimmst," He said. (Only if you behave)

"Werde ich, versprochen!" I said. (I will, I promise!)

"Alles klar, ich komme wieder," He said calmly as he walked off. (Alright. I'll be back.)

I felt so awkward. I don't like it when Papa tells me off. I started playing with my car again, on the floor this time.

"Broom broo-" I started, but I felt Australia squeeze my hand.

"What are you play with?" He said tiredly. I felt happy seeing him awake, maybe he wanted to play with me.

"My cars, wanna play? I have two!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, I'd like to play with you." He yawned as he slowly sat up right.

Ireland's POV:

I went back to the printing room, but Netherlands had already left. No surprises there I guess. I held on tight to the box, Netherlands wouldn't take Australia into the meeting, so he's gotta be in his office still.

I wandered down the hallway until I saw his office. The door had been left open, so I poked my head in to see if he there. Surely enough, he was there and awake. Germany's kid was there too.

"Hey there sleepyhead," I said as I walked in. Australia looked up me, I was expecting to just be tired, but he just looked devastated. He gave me a weak smile and held out his arms. I placed the box on the desk and walked over to him. I lifted him to his feet and gave him a tight hug. Australia hugged me tightly and buried his head in my arms.

"It's okay, take your time." I said, stroking his head as I felt him sob into my shirt.

"Is he okay?" Deutschland asked. He looked worried.

"Aus needs a bit of comforting." I explained. Deutschland stood up and walked over to Australia. He also put his arms around Australia, comforting him even more.

Australia's arms seemed to loosen and he turned his head to Deutschland. I let him out of my embrace and Australia knelt down and hugged Deutschland tightly. I could see Aus start to hyperventilate as he continued to hug Deutschland tighter.

"Ouch," Deutschland squeaked. I placed my hand on Australia's shoulder.

"Let him go, you don't want to hurt him." I said gently. Australia slowly let Deutschland wriggle free.

"Look, I brought you something from home." I said as I grabbed the box off the desk. Australia slowly opened the box to reveal what was left of his matchbox cars.

"You have cars too, maybe we can play with them as well. I-if you want" Deutschland said nervously.

"That's a good idea, I'll grab some paper, you could draw some roads to drive on. You were really good at drawing shops and petrol stations." I said, pat Australia on the head. He still looked upset, but he nodded slightly and so I went to grab some paper from the printing room again.

I wandered into the printing room and I saw Belgium scanning documents. I walked over to the stacks of paper and grabbed a small handful.

"What do you need all that paper for?" He asked.

"Gotta keep the kids entertained somehow," I shrugged.

"Heh, has Germany got you babysitting?"

"Sort of. I better go make they don't break anything." I laughed.

"Deutschland is such responsible little one, very mature for his age too. Just the other day I saw him helping a lady grad some beans at the supermarket around the corner," He went on.

"Damn, that's crazy. Look, I gotta go,"  I said, trying to get out of this conversation. He was very polite, but he sure talks a lot.

"Hey, I think you spilt something on your shirt," He commented. I looked down and saw the two wet marks from Australia's tears.

"Oh, I think it's just water, it should dry soon." I said.

"Alright then. I've actually got a spare shirt in my office if it doesn't. Pop by and I'll lend it to you." He continued.

"Oh, thanks. See you later," I waved. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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