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America's POV:

Several days passed and Canada was still in the hospital with dad. We had been living at Mom's house. Mom said that they would be coming home today at least. New Zealand isn't too excited. He has stayed in his room with Australia.

France seemed happy enough to see Canada and UK today. I couldn't wait until I saw my brother again. His arm looked really bad when I last saw it, I hope he feels better. It's been quiet since we went to the park several days ago. New Zealand hasn't said a word since. 

He seems to be going through phases. Wanting to talk one minute and refusing to even nod his head the next. He won't even speak to Aussie. Aussie said he wouldn't talk to him ever since he got home from the park. They play together, but Zea doesn't talk.

I got dressed, ready to see brother again. I put on my camo pants, a black t-shirt and sunglasses. France was clearing the breakfast dishes and brothers were in their room. I got bored and knocked on their door. I opened before I got an answer.

New Zealand was lying on his bed while Australia was buttoning up his shirt. New Zealand sat up. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Uh, good morning," I said.

"Piss off," Aussie greeted me. He still doesn't like me. I guess the feeling is mutual. New Zealand walked passed me and went to the bathroom. I left and went to talk to Mom. She was washing the dishes when I came in.

"Oh, hello sweetie, can you help dry the dishes," She asked. I slowly backed out of the kitchen not wanting to dry the dishes. I sat on the couch. I found some magazines and tried to read them. They were all in french.

I made a paper plane out of one of the pages and threw it across the room. I went to grab it when I saw another magazine under the couch. I pulled it out and looked at the first page. I immediately put it back and felt like bleaching my eyes. This is the kind of stuff Nada is into.

And it's gross.

"Time to go!" Mom called. I jumped up and ran to the front door waiting for everyone else. Australia was next to come. He pulled a face at me, and I pulled one back. France grabbed her bag and headed over to us.

"Where is your brother?" She asked. New Zealand stumbled into the room like a zombie. He seemed very tired. Mom picked him up and went out to the car. I got the front seat. I looked at Aussie who was sitting in the back, and I pulled a face at him.

New Zealand fell asleep on the way to the hospital and Aussie started kicking the back of my seat. I told him to stop but he didn't.

"Moooom, Aussie's kicking the seat!" I reported to Mom. She sighed heavily as we pulled into the hospital car park.

Canada's POV:

I was lying in the hospital bed with my arm in a cast. It still felt very sore but it as bad as it was a couple of days ago. Dad had stayed with me the whole time. He felt guilty about breaking my arm but whenever someone asked what happened he would say that I fell out of a tree.

The doctor told me I could go home today and that Mom and my brothers were going to see me very shortly. I was really happy to hear that. I had been wondering what happened to New Zealand. Dad didn't say anything him.

I waited eagerly in my bed for my Mom and my brothers to walk through the door. The door burst open randomly and Ame ran straight towards me and gave me a big hug. I tried to hug him back but my hand was in a cast and it was uncomfortable. 

"Get off your brother," Mom said to America. Ame jumped off my bed obediently. Aussie was giving New Zealand a piggyback ride however, New Zealand was fast asleep. He had a few new bandaids on his arms, but he looked fine overall.

Dad and Mom started talking while Aussie tried to wake Zea up. New Zealand must have been really tired. It reminded me of when his wrists became cut. I hoped he was okay.

It didn't take too long before we were out of the hospital. New Zealand kept falling asleep after every attempt to keep him awake. Mom drove us to Dad's house and left because she had a meeting to prepare for or something like that.

That left us alone with Dad. He didn't speak to us, he just opened the door and went straight to the kitchen to make some tea. I was going to go up to my room when America tapped me on the back. Aussie lay New Zealand down on the couch with a blanket over him.

"Can I sign your cast?" He asked. He was holding a black marker, and he looked really happy to see me again. I nodded and Ame scribbled his name on my cast along with a couple of stars. I looked down at my cast. America practically took up half the cast.

"Aussie? Did you want to sign my cast as well?" I offered. He nodded and grabbed the marker off Ame. He wrote his name next Ame's and drew a snake. After he finished signing my cast, he went out the back, and Ame sat on the couch next to me and started reading his comic book.

New Zealand was sleeping peacefully. But then he began to open his eyes. He let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes. He sat up and looked around. When he looked at me he began to cry for some reason.

"Zea! Don't cry, what's wrong?" I said as I walked over to him. I sat down and put my good arm around him to comfort him.

"Why are you upset?" I asked him.

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