Chapter 29: The Day After

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The next day, Su Ce woke up feeling itchy. Something was licking around his neck, especially in the artery, giving him the illusion of being sucked.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a large piece of brilliant gold, a little familiar but more strange...

Su Ce instantly remembered he was married to Tan Tu.

Did Tan Tu become a beast... No, if it is, it must have crushed him lying down like this.

It was his disordered heartbeat that startled the man on his body. As soon as he looked up, Su Ce could see clearly, isn’t this Tan Tu?

Tan Tu was licking and kissing. It was originally some instinct left by Orcs, but now it’s somewhat embarrassing being caught by his partner. “Ah Ce, you wake up...” He grabbed his hair, his golden hair falling from his fingers, looking dazzling.

Su Ce’s arm moved, he supported himself to sit up, but his waist was still sore and couldn’t move at all. When Tan Tu saw this, he hurriedly went to help him and took Su Ce into his arms.

Tan Tu felt in the east and in the west, “Ah Ce, where does it hurt? Is it very uncomfortable?”

Su Ce felt as if he had been run over by a truck, but the place he was bearing behind wasn’t that painful or paralyzed. He reached out and touched it. There was no scab... In other words, he was not injured at all last night.

In the original world, even though he wasn’t gay, he knew a little bit of common sense. Usually, the recipient may suffer some wound during the first time, and Tan Tu usually looked quite reckless. Su Ce has already prepared for it...but it seems completely okay?

Is this also the result of physical changes... If so, it’s very convenient, saving him from worrying about future maintenance problems.

So he shook his head, “I’m fine.”

His new marriage partner did have a little impulse and his temperament is out of control, but he didn’t just enjoy it last night, in fact he felt pretty good. If this is the case in the future, he doesn’t hate it.

The feeling of being tightly very good. It’s like never being alone again.

Tan Tu saw Su Ce not in any difficulty at all, he breathed a sigh of relief. When he woke up this morning to see Ah Ce sleeping so deeply, he was startled, however, it was a good thing, at the same time Ah Ce was so tired that he felt guilty. When Su Ce still didn’t wake up, Tan Tu kept looking on the good-looking naked body and got a little excited. But he was afraid Ah Ce wouldn’t be able to bear it anymore so he managed to hold back. Later, he gnawed on Ah Ce and was caught.

Fortunately, Ah Ce wasn’t angry. That’s great.

Tan Tu thought about the male and female who met frequently last year. The male was so excited on their wedding night that he was kicked out of the hide the next day. It took a month before the female allowed him again. That’s too bad! Tan Tu shuddered, he was determined not to take so long to taste Ah Ce!

Clearly so comfortable...

Su Ce didn’t know what Tan Tu was thinking but his face turned a little funny. He saw that Tan Tu now has a very bright golden hair, just like the color of his fur, which is very beautiful. He couldn’t help but feel it and pulled it by his hand. It still felt rough, but the texture is quite good, like a hardened satin.

Tan Tu laughed and let Su Ce play with it and thought it was good to make his partner happy.

After playing for a while, Su Ce couldn’t help but ask, “Tan Tu, how did your hair...changed color?” He remembered it was dark brown yesterday.

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