Chapter 1: Hot Spring Village

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At eight o'clock in the morning, a tall man in a stiff suit stepped into the company's gate on time. After swiping his card, he pressed the elevator and went straight to the eighth floor.

The office was already full of people, each of whom meticulously dressed and with the same serious expression. Even the computer had already been turned on. On the table, there was absolutely no food or garbage left.

The tall man came in, a folder in his arms. He nodded when he saw the people in the office. He immediately got a response;


“Good morning, Manager.”

“Good morning.”

After all the greetings, the man entered into his single room office.

When the man's figure disappeared completely inside, the people outside heaved a sigh of relief.

“The manager wasn't angry today...”

“Yes, at last. Otherwise it'll be miserable.”

“Speaking of that, why is such a young manager so serious?”

“Silence! Silence! Although the office is soundproof, the manager could still see us inside!”

After a moment of clamorous, the office immediately regained its quietness, leaving only the sounds of documents flipping and keyboards tapping.

Su Ce, a 25-year-old male, holds the position of department manager in a small-scale listed company. He has a slight habit of cleanliness and is strict in his work.

At this moment, Su Ce looked on his wristwatch and found that the last person who entered work, the second hand pointed exactly on the sixtieth. He nodded in satisfaction and started his own work.

Su Ce has always been a good boss, willing to let his subordinates off a little—just a little—as far as he could tolerate.

From morning class, lunch, afternoon class, dinner, taking a shower, dealing with unfinished papers or reading certain books and newspapers, and lastly wash then sleep.

This is Su Ce's daily schedule. There's also his boss who knows his personality well, and a senior of Su Ce's University. Su Ce doesn't need to attend social activities like any other department managers, he only needed to do his own job. After his adopted parents died, this was already the most satisfying life for him — Yes, Su Ce was an orphan at the age of five, who's been adopted by a couple in their sixties with no children. When he grew up, the couple died. He didn't have the opportunity to repay them. Fortunately, they left peacefully, which makes him comforted in some way.

Even though he's always left behind.

After a day's work, everyone in the office was still afraid to leave early. Only until Su Ce's figure disappeared at the elevator, did they pack up their things one after another.

Su Ce drove his car out of the garage and steadily went back to his own apartment. His life may be boring for some but Su Ce enjoyed it.

There was no unfinished work today. He took a shower quickly, walked out in a bathrobe, and sat in front of a large French window with thick and rare original textbook on his hand. He opened the bookmark page when his phone suddenly rang.

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