38. •Δ Separazione Δ•

Start from the beginning

"Here eat this." I shove food in her mouth and made sure to keep it busy by making her eat something the entire time. Hopefully it will help her ear too.

As I turned my gaze from her , the guy who went to bathroom for the 4th time gave me another crooked smile. I would have found him attractive in different circumstances but not now .Never again. Since me ignoring his presence is not working , I smile at him . When he staggered toward me ,I show him my ring finger with a sass like I'm giving him a middle finger . Showing him the big rock. He placed a palm over his heart to show hurt. I giggle at his tactics. Soon, he got busy, talking to the flight attendant.

Jennifer give me a knowing smile but didn't say anything and I am glad ,because her ear situation is worse now .


" Is someone going to receive us , Arianna." Jennifer yelled at the baggage carousel, making a few heads turn around to scowl at us.

"Yes dad said his associate has appointed a chauffeur for us."

Dad has taken the liberty to arrange our stay for the year . We will be staying in one of the house he owns here. It is surprisingly in the walking distance of our college . I still smile, remembering that time when he tried to convince me that he had already owned the place .

" Miss Vitali , Miss Shaw, I am Nino Rossi. I'll be your chauffeur today." The middle aged Italian man in a suit said, opening the door for us.

Another thing dad did for me, among other things, that has Axel written over it. Brandon and Marion never bothered to get me a passport . When I told Axel, that the moment I learned about my parents. I had wanted to change my surname, and Voila.! I am officially Arianna Vitali now.


"Oh my gosh, Arianna . This is beautiful " Jennifer whispered this time . After an hour drive from airport to our new home for the year. Jen's ear has finally cracked down a notch.

I, on the other didn't say anything ,too stunned at the beauty of this place. It's modern and classic. Jennifer ran to the balcony, white curtains blew from the wind. The soothing aroma of Bluebell and Violets filled my nostrils . The railing in the balcony was covered in red Bougainvillea vines.

The kitchen had everything , every single one I could think of . Two fruit baskets with Jennifer and my name on it were on top of the counter. Classes are starting after a week from now .Dad or I should say Axel, has arranged us a trip for the week .


I couldn't sleep at night and neither could Jennifer. We found each other raiding the food cabinets. There was no point, pretending that it was due to time zone difference .

"Couldn't sleep, huhh..." I ask ignoring the liquor cabinets . It is the first day, by the end of the year I'll become a alcoholic.

" Axel ...?" She whispered preparing a plate with the fruits and cheese. Ignoring my clothes, I am wearing Axel's t-shirt . When I was packing, I picked one from the laundry basket ,then another he had left on the bed ,the chair ,closet. I packed pretty much every single one of his t-shirts.

"Ranveer ...?" I say and she nodded.

" Yes, Ranveer. I am not worried about my mum . She is doing great. There is some program she is going to volunteer.And money won't be a problem , thanks to you." She pointed a fork with grapes on it ,in my direction.

"It was your money too ,Jennifer ." I say going to the balcony. After a moment of silence I ask her .

"Did I intimidate you into joining me here Jennifer .?"

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