Volume 7 Chapter 8: Mirror Mirror

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Ironwood: I know! But if we were to do deal with this other threat we must do what it means to push them back. We already have Salem to deal with and then all of a sudden another pops into our doorstep. We have to act.

Qrow: Must we go through this again, James?!

Ironwood: ...

Qrow: In case you forgot, let me repeat myself.

Qrow slams his hands on Ironwood's desk.

Qrow: Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers, or generals or headmasters. Us we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about! (getting up in Ironwood's face) It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. 

(Y/N): ...

Qrow: So you tell me, James, when you thought of bombing Mantle was a good idea, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn!?

The all fell silent as Ironwood and Qrow are staring each other down.

Ironwood: I hear you. And like I said, discreet wasn't working. I am a part of this, because it was necessary.

Qrow: You're a part of this because Ozpin wanted you to! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us!

Ironwood: And now we have two enemies to fight. Salem and this other threat.

Qrow: *laughs* And you think a few fireworks display is going to scare the both of 'em?!

Ironwood: ...

Qrow: *groans* Where's Glynda when you need her?!

Ironwood: ... Practically, where is Ozpin when you need him?

They all fell silent.

(Y/N): So this is what you called me here for? To listen to you two argue?

Qrow: Seriously? You don't care what happens to--

(Y/N): This is General Ironwood's call. If he thinks it's necessary then so be it. I'm not getting involved in any of this political bullshit.

Qrow: Kid, don't try to be like Oz--

(Y/N): Ozpin?! I'm sorry, who literally punched the shit out of Ozpin, because "he lied" to us? 

Qrow: He had it--

Ironwood: Is there something I need to know?

Qrow and (Y/N) stood quiet for a brief moment.

(Y/N): No... Not at the moment. (glaring at Qrow)

Qrow: ...

(Y/N): The reason you called me here, sir?

Ironwood: Right. You claimed that the Happy Huntresses are always in 22nd street, correct?

(Y/N): Yes, sir.

Ironwood: I've been planning to have a truce with Robyn Hill.

Qrow: Now?! After what's happened?!

Ironwood: Yes. Like I said before, the Communication tower is stalled for the time being. Robyn Hill might have some or at least knows where we could find some more supplies. We can offer her a deal if she gets to cooperate. Unfortunately, we have no idea how to contact her.

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