"Taehyung" She speaks out with a slightly broken voice, indicating she cried.

"Y/N" I say not really knowing what else to say in this moment.

We just look at each other for a moment before I decide to step towards the bench, waiting for her approval to take a seat. She gives me a slight nod as I take my seat next to her as we stay silent for a little while.

"How did you know I was here?" She suddenly asks me.

"I saw your painting in your studio" I explain.

She makes an 'o' shape with her mouth before closing it again, staring at the cherry blossoms in front of her. I stare at her, examining her face, looking for some kind of emotion or indication whether she's going to say something. When I realise she isn't I decide to speak for myself.

"I know what happened Y/N" I say, capturing her attention.

"I understand your reaction, especially concerning what you've been through with Sehun before, but I just want you to know I would never do something like that to you, I would never hurt you like that, especially not with a girl like Soyeon" I frantically explain.

"I know" She says, looking at me whilst I stare back at her in utter confusion.

"Jennie came by my studio and told me everything" She says, making me widen my eyes.

Jennie went to see her?

"Don't worry, it's not what you think" She quickly says.

"She visited me to tell me what really happened, to tell me the truth" She explains.

***An hour earlier - Y/N POV***

"What are you doing here?" I ask Jennie who is standing right in front of me now.

"We need to talk" She says before walking inside, making me sigh and close the door behind her.

"Look, I'm sorry for showing up unannounced like this, but I know what happened after the game and I couldn't just sit back and watch it all unfold like this" She says, sitting down on the couch and motioning me to sit next to her.

"I know you overheard Soyeon after the game talking to the cheerleaders about how she slept with Taehyung" She says, making me nod.

"The reason I know is because it wasn't a coincidence that you overheard them, Soyeon planned for you to hear all of this, she wanted you to hear" She says, making me confused.

"Why would she want me to hear that?" I ask.

"Because she wanted you to get upset and get hurt, she wanted to break you and Taehyung up" She says, making my eyes widen.

"Why would she want to break us apart? I know she doesn't like me and has a particular interest in Taehyung, but breaking us up goes a little far right?" I ask her in shock.

"I know, but it is something a lot deeper than that, something I found out about a couple of days ago" She says.

"I caught wind of the little incident you and her had in Yoongi's bar the other day, how you told her off" She says making me nod.

"Well, she didn't take that too well, I always knew she was attracted to Taehyung, even when me and him were still dating, but this was something completely different, more like an obsession" She explained.

"I confronted her about it, I didn't like the way she was trying to claim Taehyung as hers since he never was and never will be" She says.

"I don't have feelings for him anymore, I moved on, but I do care about his happiness and she was about to ruin all of that" She states.

"We got into a fight about it and we didn't talk to each other, until I overheard her talking to the teammates about her little plan" She mentions.

"Plan?" I ask.

"Yes, her plan to make you disappear from his life, to break you guys up" She explains.

"She made up this rumour about her and Taehyung hooking up, the one you heard, her plan was to make you hear it and make you want to break up with Taehyung" She explains.

"I just want you to know that it didn't happen, it was all a lie and Taehyung never hooked up with her, he never would" She says.

I look down for a moment, realising that I've been framed and made to believe something that was never true in the first place. I can't believe I fell for one of her tricks.

"Taehyung truly loves you, more than he ever loved me" Jennie says, making me look up at her.

"You make him happy, and I know he makes you happy Y/N, I've seen the two of you together and you only have eyes for each other" She says.

"We may not be together anymore, but we never ended on bad terms and I would hate for you guys to lose something so beautiful" She says whilst standing up and making her way to the door.

"Wait Jennie!" I say before she leaves, making her turn around.

"Thank you... I always thought you hated me, I thought you always felt like I stole him away from you, was I wrong?" I ask her, making her smile.

"I never hated you, our break up was a mutual decision that turned out to be better for the both of us, making us able to chase our own happiness again, I never hated you, how could I when you gave him exactly what I knew I couldn't anymore?" She says before turning around and walking out of the door.

***Present - Taehyung POV***

"I knew from that moment on I failed you, I doubted you whilst you never did anything wrong, my insecurities and memories got the best of me" Y/N says whilst looking down.

"I feel so guilty, I should have never let them get to me but I did" She says.

I lift her chin up to make her look at me, giving her a soft smile. I know what she went through with her ex and that is horrible, I understand how she must be feeling right now and know she only wanted to protect herself without clearly thinking.

"Don't feel guilty, you did nothing wrong" I say as I stroke her cheek.

"I just want you to know that I'll never betray you like your ex did, I'll never hurt you like that, I'll never let you go again" I say.

"Just a moment ago, I thought I lost you, that you weren't going to be in my world anymore, and as I did I felt it crashing down on me" I explain.

"I realised you are the only girl that catches my eyes every single day, the only girl who can make me feel happy, the only girl who understands me, the only person I can see a future with" I state.

She gives me a smile and brings her hand to my cheek, stroking it as her eyes sparkle with soft tears, slowly coming down and falling on her cheeks as I wipe them away.

"You are the only girl I love, I love you Y/N, no matter what" I say.

She stares at me before she pulls me in for a passionate kiss, smashing her lips on mine. I immediately respond by pulling her closer, bringing my hands behind her head to deepen the kiss. She slowly pulls away from me for a moment, panting from the passionate moment before speaking the magic words.

"I love you too, no matter what"

A/N: Hello loves! Only one more part after this!! Let me know what y'all think, much love <3

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