"But when I care about someone, I do" She explains whilst carefully sipping her coffee. Interesting, so when she cares for someone, she cares for their opinions as well. Seems logical, at least, easier said than done of course, but it makes sense.

"I should be more like that" I say whilst looking down. I think of the comments made by my teammates, I shouldn't care but I do. It actually hurt me.

"You should be yourself Taehyung, because you're perfectly fine the way you are. I know you're thinking about you're teammates, but you obviously care about them and see them as friends, it's logical that their comments upset you" She says.

Why does this girl have the ability to make me feel better with just a few words coming out of her mouth. Her presence alone can make my day. I look at her and smile, locking my gaze with hers.

You're something else Y/N.


We talked at the café for hours, getting to know each others and constantly laughing. Y/N is honestly so easy to talk to, it feels great to spend time with her. She is fun, honest and sweet, but makes me feel better as well. She makes me feel happy.

We talked about all sorts of things really. Y/N told me how she got into arts and how her parents never really approved. Yoongi supported her and helped her make money to attend university. She won an art competition and send in her work for a chance at a scholarship, which she got.

She told me about her friends Sunmi and Hyejin, how they've been friends ever since freshman year. This made me think of Jungkook and Jimin and how grateful I actually am to have them with me.

I was walking her back to her apartment after we had a quick bite to eat and we talked for a little.

"Y/N can I ask you something?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled, nodding her head.

"When did you start finding comfort in creating art? You talked about it this afternoon and have been curious about it ever since" I asked her carefully. She looked at me and seemed lost for words for a moment. Was it too personal?

"When I broke up with my boyfriend" She said, making me widen her eyes. Definitely too personal Tae.

"After he cheated on me with Irene, I locked myself up and didn't want to engage with the world for a while. The world felt cruel and I wanted to escape from the reality. That's when I seated myself in front of a canvas and started to just let my emotions take over. I forgot about the cruel reality for a while and let my brush take over" She explained.

"It felt like all of my bad thoughts were transitioned to the canvas through my brush, leaving my body and attaching themselves to the fabric. I felt like I was able to let go through my one and only passion, art. That's when I realised I'm indeed an artist and should pour my emotions into my art. I always cover up the paintings in my studio, not looking at them again, like I'm not looking back" She explained. I was amazed, she truly is an extremely interesting and beautiful person. Her telling me this story makes me feel a certain way about her, I can see the absolute passion in her eyes when she talkes about art and it feels amazing to see her in her element like that.

I didn't notice we arrived and she stopped walking, looking at me. She smiled and I smiled back at her.

"Well, this is me" She said in a slightly awkward tone, probably slightly embarrassed at how absorbed she was in her story about her passion. I stroked her cheek and gave her a soft smile.

I don't know why, but the urge to hug her washed over me, making my body move without thinking. I pulled her into a hug, startling her a little before I felt her holding me tighter.

"Thank you for today Y/N, I had a blast because of you and we should do it again sometime, I haven't been able to laugh like that in a long time" I told her. She held me tighter.

"Me neither Taehyung, thank you for that, and for being the best company ever" She said chuckling. I laughed at her statement and held her tighter.

We just stood there for a while, I don't even know for how long but I didn't care. I just needed to hold her for a little longer. Her scent was intoxicating to me, addictive. Her touch felt magical, sending shivers down my spine. Her hair was so soft, I would want to stroke it for days. I felt my body heating up as I held her longer and slowly let her go to look at her.

She looked up at me and looked me in the eyes, locking her gaze with mine. I looked into her eyes and felt myself felling deep into their spell. I stroked her cheek and she slightly leaned into my touch, closing her eyes. I want her.

She opened her eyes and I don't know what came over me, but I started to lean in. I wanted to feel her lips on mine, I wanted to feel the sensation of her touch run through my body, I wanted to kiss her.

She was slightly leaning in as well, almost closing the gab between our lips, until she looked away. She slightly moved her face away from mine and looked down to the ground. I don't know why, but I felt disappointed. She slightly coughed and turned away from me, walking up to her apartment building. I just stood there, staring at her back, until she turned around.

"Thank you Taehyung, we should do it again some time" She said whilst giving me a sweet smile and turning around, heading inside.

I smiled to myself and blushed. I almost kissed her.

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