56. Pillow Talk

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SR: Miki Matsubara - Stay with Me



Obsidian eyes fixated on me, watching every move I made. My stomach twisted in knots. I was tense and queasy.

I gulped, doing my best not to keep colliding eye contact with Velsyren. Her intensity was unwavering, sending tingles of warmth in the back of my neck. The absence of ink on my skin was hard to ignore, especially the very essence of them was staring at me like a hawk.

"How did you manifest yourself? You keep saying that Eryn summoned you, but she barely knows that herself!" Hades stood in front of Velsyren, who laid out on the couch, her arms draped over the side.

Pearlescent hair pooled on the ground, almost seeming like it was changing colors right before me. I snapped my gaze away again, looking out the window again. A hotel was the best option since there weren't any quaestors in New York. We opted not to meet with any New York Consul members either. This was personal, and Chris thought it was best if our own people did it.

Demons were messy.

My thoughts wandered to the demon woman whose blood I had not so long ago. It felt like it happens decades ago, but I knew it had to be only a year or so. She was powerful, and if any demon around here was like her, I preferred not to get involved. We were here for our people.

"Eryn summoned me all on her own. Her demonic power was enough for me to slip through the planes. One-way ticket here, babes," Vel fluttered her eyes toward Chris. "Now can we please get back to getting to know more about you?"

Chris raised the back of his left hand, his ruby ring glinting in the light. He didn't trip up on what he was doing, which was overriding the Consul's database to find more information about what was going on here. His fingers clicked and clacked away on the laptop he had. I was surprise that junk of metal still worked. "They don't go into too much detail with what's happening here."

Now that we were here in person, I wondered how much more were they hiding.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Vel poured, suddenly blinking out of existence and reappearing oo top of the table Chris was sitting at. He didn't stop typing away and ignored her presence completely.

"He would." Chris' tone was flat and final, leaving nothing else up for discussion.

Vel deflated and slouched forward. "It's always the especially sexy ones that are gay aren't they?"

I folded my arms. "Velsyren," I tore my gaze away from her breasts that were threatening to spill over her tight cami. "What other abilities do you have?" If she was going to summon herself out of me, then I could at least get some answers from her.

"I can mostly do everything you all can, if not more," she winked, her lashes sweeping her cheeks. She was staring at Hades as if she was trying to figure her out. "You're the oldest, aren't you?"

Hades narrowed her eyes. "Get back to answering my questions. How do we send you back?"

"No, you're especially old, like out of everyone here. Aren't you tired?"

The room grew silent. That was like asking if a woman was pregnant; you just never did it.

Chris shut his laptop and cracked his knuckles. "Manhattan is going through a bit of a rework it seems. The battle between the demons and angels left the area out of balance. This is only the beginning. It seems the demons want land, something to claim as theirs."

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