40. The Start of Something

179 16 0

SR: Bring Me the Horizon - Happy Song



The next morning, Marina looked a bit unhinged. She made a mess whilst prepping her lunch, dropping a bowl of pre-scrambled eggs. I opted to stand by her if she was about to drop anything else.

I leaned against the counter and folded my arms.

"You didn't see anything else?" I asked, watching as she cracked new eggs onto the metal bowl.

She narrowed her eyes.

"I told you what I saw already. A woman with brownish hair. I can't see from that far." She whisked the eggs a bit too fast for my liking. The bowl jerked around precariously to the edge. Marina tilted the bowl and it teetered off the counter, already making its way to the ground.

I lunged forward—never more grateful for my vampire reflexes until this moment—and grabbed the bottom of the bowl with my hand. I placed it back on the counter carefully.

"Let me do it," I murmured, pushing her over with my hip and prying the whisk from her hand. "The poor eggs are going to die to the ground again."

Marina sighed and walked over to the island table. I started whisking the eggs and adding cream carefully. I had no fucking clue what I was doing, but it seemed to look better than what Marina was doing.

"I'm asking you again to make sure. I'm going to the compound today to send out an LST for that description. Since making this, make me a cup—"

"Already on it," Marina shot up from her seat and heading toward the cupboards above the sink. She grabbed my usual bright yellow mug. Opening the fridge, Marina pulled out two blood bags. "Which one? AB Positive or O-neg? And what's an LST?"

"AB Pos," I replied, turning the stove on. I placed the pan and slid a bit of margarine onto the pan. "It uh stands for 'Locator Spell Tracker' It's a supernatural that specializes in tracking."

Marina walked behind me and placed the mug into the microwave. She folded her arms while waiting for the mug.

"You ran out of AB," she said, looking over my shoulder at the pan.

I shot up and grabbed the bowl, dumping its content onto the pan. It sizzled and started to solidify ever so slowly.

"I'll pick some more up tomorrow."

"What are you going to do today?" Marina asked, the microwave beeping above her voice. She whirled around and opened it, taking the mug out.

"I'll actually be at the compound today. I have an assignment," I said, walking over to the fridge to grab cheese.

I returned quickly and placed the slice on top of the egg that was turning into a pleasant omelet. I lifted the spatula and scooped the egg, folding it in half and then turning it over.

"Oh, what's your assignment?"

I chuckled.

"You'll see."

There was no way I was going to tell her what I was doing today. It was a surprise. Chris asked if I wanted to be a live vampire combat stimulation for the trainees. I jumped at the opportunity. It was easy to get bored of just managing the bar. With no leads on Luce, it was getting really slow.

Marina frowned.

"Then you're going to drive me?"

I nodded.

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