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A/N: this was my first concept drawing when I thought about what Eryn might look like physically. I just wanted to say thank you all for the support you've given this book. I honestly started writing this for fun and my own self indulgence and people seem to like it as much as I do and for that I'm grateful. I'm honored to be able to have a great audience such as you all. Thanks for the wild ride! Here's the last chapter of OFAF!


The issue was age old, saving those around you or doing what's right. It's better to keep people at arm's length, where they're safe.

I kept telling myself there was nothing I wouldn't do to keep Marina safe. I promised myself that I was better than my predecessors, that I'd do no harm.

I really was just as bad as the rest of them.

Behind four walls of glass I watched her lay there, looking as if death was knocking at her door. She was three shades lighter than her usual complexion, no thanks to me. A cast bigger than her head covered half of her left arm. Machines hung on either side of her, at this point she looked more AI than human.

I breathed out deeply, my visors getting fogged up. I took them off for a moment and rubbed my eyes. For a second something red flashed across my eyes. I slid them on quickly.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked, "if Chris found out I took you out of the detox chamber..."

"He's not going to find out," I snapped, giving Lance a glare. I folded my arms and watched as Marina's hospital room opened.

Sydney and Flynn spilled into the room. Syd reached for Marina's hand. Her sobs reached over to me and I clenched my jaw.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to do what I have to find out the truth. Isn't that what you want too? No matter how painful it is?"

Lance's chest rose and fell steadily before he spoke. "Of course. None of this should've happened."

"We can all agree that Chris let Luce get away with too much."

"Hadlee did too."

The mention of Hades was a slash around my chest. I rubbed the spot under my collarbone and clear my throat. "Hadlee reached her breaking point Lance. Mentally."

"Chris had a lot of things to worry about. He couldn't babysit Lucinda," Lance trailed over and put his face in his hands, "ahh, what am I thinking? I'm giving him excuses, aren't I?"

I bit my lip and slowly slid my hand between his shoulders. "Don't worry, I'm not going to come back until I find answers."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Lance dropped his hands to his side and approached the exit, "We've lost so many already, Eryn. I don't want you to pull away now."

I folded my arms and followed him out the observation deck. Almost all the walls in this place was glass, perhaps to ensure the safety of everyone.

"Are they still interrogating him?"

The Consul seemed to be questioning Chris for longer than intended. Somehow they knew a lot of things didn't add up.

"They're going to be for the better half of the night. You know how it is with them. They want everyone's story. They'll call for you when Chris is done." Lance tipped his head toward Ally approaching us, "have you talked to her yet?"

I shook my head.

Lance's lips mashed together. "I'll leave you two to it then."

Ally half smiled at Lance. He put his arm on her before strolling off. She faced me and her smile faltered.

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