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Chapter 82: (Part 1)
Lu Anwei never expected his actions would cause such great distress to Qin Shuhan and also felt very remorseful. This was his fault. He will never come and disrupt her life anymore; it was due to his own selfishness and wilfulness……

“Do you love me?” Qin Shuhan knew that the best way to deal with this blockhead was to ask directly, any other superfluous words were unnecessary.

“Yes.” Lu Anwei did not hold back and told her directly.

Hearing this word personally, Qin Shuhan’s tears that she tried so hard to suppress, was going to burst again. Only this time it was not because she felt wronged but because she felt deeply moved, “Then…… Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“I said it before.” Lu Anwei felt a little aggrieved. He has already said it many times before ah! But Qin Shuhan’s always expressed her refusal very straightforwardly ah.

“……” Qin Shuhan could not help frowning, “Clearly, you have never said it!” It was because he did not say it clearly, making her sad and unhappy by herself for such a long period of time ah! She is even pregnant with their child…… Qin Shuhan could not help feeling wronged.

“Forget it……” Lu Anwei felt that all these were not important now. Anyway, he will not disrupt her life again in the future.

“Forget it? That’s it?” Qin Shuhan glared at Lu Anwei. The innumerous tears that she had shed for this matter, how was it that she got his single phase of ‘forget it’ in return……?

“You……” Lu Anwei lowered his head. Realising that Qin Shuhan was actually bare-footed, he could not help but frown and carried Qin Shuhan up by her waist. “Why are you not wearing shoes?”

Qin Shuhan who was originally still very mad, blushed and buried her head into Lu Anwei’s neck. She whispered, “I forgot……” What the heck…… This man is simply playing foul!

“I’ll take you home!” In any case, Lu Anwei did not want Qin Shuhan to walk home bare-footed. There were many gravels on this road. What if she gets hurt? Even if he was being hated, he still wanted to take her home personally. Only in this way, could he feel at ease.

“Mm……” Qin Shuhan leaned into Lu Anwei’s embrace, feeling incomparably safe within. This embrace. She has really anticipated it for too long. Waited for too long.

Carrying Qin Shuhan into the elevator, Lu Anwei pressed the button for the 23rdfloor with one hand.

“Anwei…… Can I ask you…… If… I’m saying… If that time we…. That time we accidentally… accidentally have a child… What should I do?” Qin Shuhan carefully asked as she leaned against Lu Anwei’s shoulders. Internally, she was guessing Lu Anwei’s reaction. He would definitely be ecstatic to suddenly learn that he was going to be a father, right?

If she was pregnant… Li Anwei’s mind could not help thinking of Geng Zheng and Qiao Ying. How was Qiao Ying supposed to live now that Geng Zheng has passed away in the line of duty? How was she going to bring up her child alone? Lu Anwei simply did not dare to think about it… If Qin Shuhan bore his child… He would probably be so elated that he could jump over the moon… But what if he died? How could he bear to cruelly leave both mother and child? The more Lu Anwei thought about it, the more tangled up his mind was.

“Yes ah! What if I’m pregnant?” Qin Shuhan has been leaning against Lu Anwei’s shoulder and did not notice the abnormalities in his expression.

“Ding” The elevator sounded indicating the arrival of the 23rdfloor. Lu Anwei replied, “If you are pregnant, it is best to abort it as soon as possible……”

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