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It was already 9 PM when Lu Anran returned home from the new shop branch. She went back to her room to complete her homework. She then habitually switched on her laptop to check her inbox. Unexpectedly, she who did not hold any more expectations, saw a flashing notification at the bottom right corner of the mailbox.

“Must be another advertisement…” Lu Anran grumbled as she clicked the flashing notification. After reading the contents of the expanded mail, Lu Anran looked for the sender and could not help rubbing her eyes, “This….”

IT’S LIN DA! Lin Da finally replied! OMG….

Lu Anran could feel her bit of tiredness disappearing. She read each and every word of the contents of the mail serious. Even the punctuations were glanced over a few times.

“Anran, you have sent so many emails to me ah! An email is used to transmit information! It’s not your diary! I have wasted quite a bit of my time reading all of your emails. Don’t worry, I’m very well over here. They have strict regulations regarding information transmission over here, as expected of a world class secret military academy. I have grown stronger and a bit tanner as compared to when I left Country Z. Have you also completed your high school military training? Although I know you will still worry, but I am unable to tell you much about the ongoings over here. You just need to know that everything is fine! You must remember to pay attention to your own safety. If everything goes well, I will be back in 3 years. You better not die before I return! As for emails, I can probably only reply once every 2 to 3 months! Tell Ji Ling not to worry about me either. She’s not only timid but also a crybaby. Even though she sometimes make threatening gestures, she actually has zero fighting capability and definitely the panicky type. Be sure to look after her more! That’s all. Bye bye~”

Lu Anran read the email over and over again. She was really happy that Lin Da was safe and sound! As she read over again and again, Lu Anran suddenly realised that her cheeks were set. Using her hand to wipe her cheeks, she realised that they were actually her tears. Why was she crying? Lu Anran did not know how to describe the feeling that she had. It was like breathing a sigh of relief, as though both her and Lin Da were accounted for, it was like missing a bestie that gave up her safe and worry free life just to help her…. That sort of complex emotions seemed to have found an outlet through her tears….

“Dang Dang Dang” A knocking sound resounded.

“Who is it?” Lu Anran hurriedly wiped away her tears and closed the email. She then turned towards the door and said, “Come in.”

Once the door was pushed open, an unexpected face appeared in front of Lu Anran.

“Anran, you haven’t gone to bed?”

“Anything?” Lu Anran frowned. She could feel her good mood shattering into a million pieces.

“You must be very tired now that you have to attend class everyday and supervise the renovations of the new store in Xin Dong. So I would like to take you to the amusement park to relax a little this Saturday.”

“N…” As soon as Lu Anran was about to refuse, she swallowed back her words of rejection and then smiled, “Sure! Can I bring along a friend?”

“Yes, of course!” The other party looked so surprised as though he never expected Lu Anran to agree this quickly.

“Then thank you Brother Haosheng.” Lu Anran put on a superficial smile to express her happiness.

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