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Chapter 3: Waiting with You, Vowing to the Gods
(Part 1)

"Anran, quickly persuade Auntie Ji!" Chu Yao urged the silent Lu Anran.

"Mum!" Lu Anran raised her head, looking towards Ji Rou with a gentle expression, "I'm willing to wait with you for Dad's return!" Lu Anran was fully aware that Lu Junhao was unlikely to come home, because she has never heard any news of him in her previous lifetime, but her mother is willing to wait and so, she is perfectly happy to wait with her mother, even if she must wait for a lifetime. Since God gave her a chance to atone, she will firmly grasp every bit of time to make up for her unfilial self in her previous lifetime.

Ji Rou froze and immediately, tears flowed down her cheeks, her daughter finally understood herself.

"This..." Lu Junan and Chu Yao were dumbfounded, this is different from what they thought ah! Chu Yao was also a bit confused, previously when she brought this up with Lu Anran, didn't she agree with her?

"Anran, what are you saying? Do you want to ruin your mother's life?" Lu Junan pulled a long face.

"Third Uncle, actually I feel that your suggestion is not bad. Let's arrange to have a meal with Director Lin! I'll also go!" Lu Anran said while smiling falsely.

Ji Rou was stupefied and looked disbelieving at Lu Anran, didn't Anran just agreed to wait with her for Hao ge? Lu Anran lightly patted Ji Rou's hand, giving her a faint smile.

"That's right!" Lu Junan beamed with joy as soon as he saw that the matter has taken a favourable turn, "Dear Anran! Uncle will bring you a new game the next time I come over to see you!" Lu Junan was happy in his heart! If this business is a done deal, he will be the star of Lu Corporation!

"And call Grandpa to come too!" Lu Anran added, "I haven't seen Grandpa for a long time!"

"This..." Lu Junan stopped smiling. Old man Lu occupies a position in Country Z for decades, whatever he is thinking, Lu Jianhao can see it with just a glance! If the old man knows that he plans on using his sister- in- law, then isn't he screwed?! Don't even talk about inheriting the Lu Corporation, the old man will skin him alive! Judging by the old man's temper, it is very much possible for him to be kicked out of the Lu Family, henceforth severing all father and son relationship! This won't do! This way, wouldn't he end up with nothing?

"Anran, you.... Aren't you very afraid of Grandpa Lu?" Chu Yao looked a little embarrassed. After all, she brainwashed Lu Anran for the longest time to keep Lu Anran away from other members of the Lu Family, so that she only trusted Lu Junan and herself ah!

"Yu Shu! Give Grandpa a call!" Lu Anran ignored Chu Yao's words and called out for butler who was standing outside the door.

"Understood, Young Miss!" The voice of the butler, Yu Shu was heard from outside the door.

"Wait!" Lu Junan trembled with rage but he still patiently persuades Lu Anran, "Anran, listen to Uncle! Director Lin is a learned and skilled man. Even though he is young, he is already a Project Director at Rong Corporation, that's really rare ah! Besides, I only wanted to let Sister- in- law and Director Lin to meet and have dinner together! If they take a fancy on each other, we can discuss this again. If not, we will forget about the whole thing! But if your mother doesn't give this a chance, things will be difficult for Uncle! Uncle is also doing this for the sake of Lu Corporation ah!" It is simply remarkable how affectionate and logical the said words were


Chapter 3: Waiting with You, Vowing to the Gods
(Part 2)

"For Lu Corporation, or for Third Uncle, yourself ah?" Lu Anran honestly could not be bothered to deal with such despicable scum. At that time, after she was intoxicated by this scum and was sent to the room of the executive, Lu Junan still used the phrase "for the sake of Lu Corporation" to explain away the matter. For the sake of Lu Corporation, for Grandpa, for everything and anything. She admitted it all! In the end, everything that occurred, and every event that happened, was merely for the sake of Lu Junan, himself to stuff his own pockets1! (T/N: haha! You go girl! *٩(๑'∀'๑)ง*)

"What are you saying ah!" Lu Junan flew into rage out of humiliation as his thoughts were accurately said out loud by Lu Anran, "Uncle is doing this for the both of you, mother and daughter! Older brother is missing, if it is not because of Uncle taking care of everything in the company2, sister- in- law would have been dismissed ages ago!"

"Well then, in that case, it's all thanks to Third Uncle's consideration. I never thought that Third Uncle, the head of public relations department can even stretch his hands all over the company to retain my mother, the head of advertising department?!" Lu Anran felt truly amused, and inwardly sneered at her own stupidity. This lie was filled with hundreds of loopholes, how did she firmly believe it without any doubt, so much so that she was overwhelmed with gratitude in her previous lifetime?

"You!" Lu Junan's sore spot was thoroughly stabbed by Lu Anran. He suddenly stood up and furiously rebuked "give face, don't want face!3" and turned, striding out of the Lu's family home.

"Auntie Ji, that... Now that Anran has regained consciousness, I, I'll go back first...." Chu Yao bit her lower lip. What's up with this Lu Anran? The expression in her (Lu Anran) eyes really makes her (Chu Yao) frightened, and also why does the fool Lu Anran seems to know something? The matter that happened has left her control, she is a little afraid.

"Then you go back first!" Ji Rou rubbed her throbbing forehead. The things that happened today is already more than enough. She has already lost her husband several years ago and her daughter is the only one left. She absolutely cannot lose her daughter for a second time. But Ji Rou is truly gratified that her daughter would understand her and is willing to wait with her for Hao ge's return.

"Okay Auntie Ji!" Chu Yao dried her tears and looked at Lu Anran, "Anran, have a good rest, I'll come and see you tomorrow!"

"Wait a moment!" Lu Anran suddenly called out, stopping Chu Yao who was preparing to leave, "Chu Yao, bear in mind that you are merely the daughter of Grandpa's secretary, you'd better clearly recognise your own identity! From now on, you are forbidden from calling my mother "Auntie Ji", hereafter, you will refer to my mother as "Madam" just like Yu Shu and others! Do you understand!"

Chu Yao didn't expect Lu Anran to say this suddenly. The impression she always had of Lu Anran was a fool that was gullible and easy to take advantage of. How did she suddenly become so eloquent, with this unprecedented sense of alienation she'd never experienced before? But Lu Anran has always regarded myself (Chu Yao) as the closest person! To suddenly hear such commanding tone with obvious disparity in social class, Chu Yao, other than shock, also had a surge of embarrassment.

"Anran?" Evidently, Ji Rou also don't understand what happened after her daughter had a fever. Why does it seem like there are huge changes to her temperament? Isn't Chu Yao her best friend?

"You can go now!" Lu Anran coldly glanced at Chu Yao, then turned her head and closed her eyes, no longer wanting to see that person that makes her gnash her teeth with hatred.

Chu Yao went deathly pale, she left Lu Anran's room, out of the gates of Lu Family's home. The sky was cloudy while raindrops as large as beans pounded down. Chu Yao clenched her fist and ground her teeth, "Lu Anran! Who do you think you are! I'll remember you!" Chu Yao walked home in rain, abruptly recalling her father receiving a phone call yesterday. The caller seems to be discussing with Dad about the matter of eliminating Lu Anran, that heiress of Lu Family, in the near future. Thinking about this, Chu Yao's heart lightened,and with a swift and fierce expression in her eyes, she looked up the night sky and swore, "Lu Anran, I absolutely want you to live in utter misery4!"

1 The author used 中饱私囊meaning stuffing one's own pockets - to take bribes

2 Author used 打点: could be used to mean taking care of everything or bribing. I decided to use it as the former because it is impossible for the Uncle to admit to bribing.

3 Author used 给脸不要脸 meaning the person is a fool to reject a face- saving offer, but I just translated it literally in the text.

4 Author used 求生不能求死不得, meaning to face a life worse than death

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