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Chapter 18: Mother- Daughter's Heart- to- Heart Talk at Night
(Part 1)

For the whole afternoon, Lu Anran stayed by Lu Jianhao's side laughing, chatting and joking around, making Lu Jianhao rock back and forth in laughter while Ji Rou watched her daughter helplessly.

Previously Lu Anran was very restrained in front of Lu Jianhao. What in the world is happening now? Has she finally opened her eyes? Anyway, everything is fine as long as Lu Jianhao is happy!

When it is finally dinner time, the two sons of Lu Junfeng have also arrived. In this one dinner, some families were happy while other families were worried. Even after the sun has set, Lu Junan has not appeared in front of everyone, even the brother- and- sister Lu Anhua and Lu Anxin were also not as haughty like how they were when they came this afternoon.

Both of them had their heads lowered in low spirits and did not say anything, only when Lu Jianhao asked about work matters did they then raise their head to reply with a few sentences, as if they were just passing through the motion.

At nightfall, Lu Anran slept in the same room as Ji Rou. It has been a long time since they both laid on the same bed. Lu Anran rested her head on Ji Rou's arm, unexpectedly feeling a little nervous. She felt that everything was inconceivable like a dream.

Lu Anran carefully scrutinized Ji Rou's face. Ji Rou took very good care of her skin, so even at the age of 35, her appearance still made her look like she was in her 20s. Her long black and shiny hair that she had never dyed before was usually tied up into a low ponytail, and now with it hanging loosely around her shoulders, there was also a kind of lasting appeal.

Under the dim glow of the bedside lamp, Ji Rou whole body shined with a faint glow, presenting an image of an ideal wife- graceful, lovely and gentle. Ji Rou appears to have just fell asleep, her breathing was deep and steady, letting Lu Anran have an illusion of anxiousness and worry, leading her to call out involuntarily. "Mom?"

"Hm?" Ji Rou answered casually replied with her eyes still closed.

"Mom?" Lu Anran called out again.

"Hm?" Ji Rou slowly opened her eyes and perplexingly looked towards Lu Anran.

"Mom? Mom? Mom!" Lu Anran called Ji Rou again and again.

"Hm?" Ji Rou was a little puzzled, what is wrong with her daughter? Ji Rou reached out her hand and pressed against Lu Anran's forehead, feeling even more baffled, Anran doesn't have a fever ah!

So, Ji Rou asked, " Anran, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No..." Lu Anran snuggled into Ji Rou's arms, nestled her face into Ji Rou's warm chest and listened to Ji Rou's steady heartbeat. "Mom, I missed you..."

In the previous lifetime, after Ji Rou passed away, for uncountable days and nights, Lu Anran would always wake up abruptly from her dreams and realise that she has no mother anymore...

"Silly girl!" Ji Rou smiled helplessly, used her hand to stroke the back of Lu Anran's head and said,

"This child she is already 15, big girl already. Why she suddenly acting spoiled?"

Even today, Uncle Lu had actually prepared a room for Lu Anran, but she still insist on sleeping with Ji Rou. Thinking about it now, it has been years since Lu Anran acted like this with her.

"I just wanna act spoiled with you mom, no matter how old I get, I am always your daughter!" Lu Anran closed her eyes and hugged Ji Rou tightly. Nobody can understand her kind of 'lost and regain' feeling of happiness. Even after so many days, she still felt it was so unrealistic like she was dreaming, worrying anxiously that Ji Rou would disappear with the blink of her eye....

(Part 2)
"I just wanna act spoiled with you mom, no matter how old I get, I am always your daughter!" Lu Anran closed her eyes and hugged Ji Rou tightly. Nobody can understand her kind of 'lost and then regained' feeling of happiness. Even after so many days, it was so unrealistic that she still felt like she was dreaming, and felt worried that Ji Rou would disappear with the blink of her eye....

"Silly girl!" Ji Rou also tightened her arms around her daughter. "Anran, what's going on...between you and Chu Yao? Did you guys fight?"

"....." When Lu Anran heard Ji Rou mention Chu Yao's name, her body stiffened immediately. "Why... why are you talking about her suddenly?"

"Because Mom felt like you were acting very cold towards her recently..." Ji Rou concernedly said.

"Isn't she your best friend?" She remembered before Lu Anran loved to stick with Chu Yao all the time, and both of them were close with each other like real sisters.

"......" Lu Anran deliberated carefully, and felt that she should still give Ji Rou a warning. "I... I don't like Chu Yao anymore?"

"Why?" Ji Rou placed her hands onto Lu Anran's shoulders.

"Because...." Lu Anran raised her head and looked at Ji Rou's eyes. "Because the last time I fell into the swimming pool, I think I indistinctly saw Chu Yao was the one who pushed me...."

"What?" Ji Rou was stunned instantly. "Are you sure? You didn't see wrongly?" It is not that Ji Rou do not believe Lu Anran, but rather she found it hard to believe that the cute and lovely Chu Yao would strike such a vicious blow to Lu Anran, who have been so good to her...

"I also didn't see clearly..." Lu Anran haven't found the mysterious person behind Chu Wanhai yet, so she still cannot completely cut off all ties with Chu Yao. "It is precisely because I didn't see clearly, so I am distancing myself from her now!"

"Like this ah..." Ji Rou gave a sigh of relief, but still felt scared for Lu Anran in the future. On one hand, she is worried that they have blamed Chu Yao wrongly, and on the other hand, she was anxious, what is she going to do if Chu Yao harbour malicious intentions? Her husband has already disappeared, she cannot lose her daughter as well. "Then it's better if you stay further away from Chu Yao!"

"En!" Lu Anran nodded her head. It looks like she managed to attain the result that she wanted, in Ji Rou's heart, she should now have a bit of her guard up against Chu Yao.

Lu Anran smiled contently, and buried her head into Ji Rou's embrace again. "Mom, next time you cannot believe people so easily ah! Especially, Chu Yao! Unless, I'm the one who said it. If not, you definitely cannot believe! Ok? O.... k....?" Lu Anran's voice gradually become softer and softer as she sank into a deep sleep.

She was totally exhausted after today, just to make Lu Jianhao happy, she racked her brains to tell him one anecdote after another that she heard before in her previous lifetime. Tiring her out totally.

"En!" Ji Rou gave an affirmative sound. Why is her daughter treating her like she was a small child! Smiling helplessly, Ji Rou tucked the blanket more firmly around Lu Anran and quietly switched off the bedside lamp. She kissed Lu Anran on the forehead and slowly entered dreamland.

In her dreams, Hao ge has already returned, she was walking side-by-side with Hao ge holding hands in a wheat field, and Lu Anran was running around playing in front of them. The golden wheat field stretched as far as her eyes could see, and the reddish orange sunset shined on their face, their body... In her sleep, Ji Rou could not help but reveal a smile full of happiness...

Both mother and daughter slept very soundly until a maidservant awkwardly knocked to the door to tell them that guests have already started arriving in succession. This pair of mother and daughter sat up abruptly, and dazedly gazed at each other. After a moment, they came to their senses and screamed, having just remembered that today is Lu Jianhao's 60th birthday and they have actually overslept!!!

All their dressing up and makeup was done under a cluster of maidservants surrounding them. When both of them appear on the 1st floor living room in a panic, it was already full of guests. In the middle of the courtyard, the children of the guests attending the banquet were running around laughing and playing happily, but outside the courtyard was jam-packed full of reporters.

The appearance of Lu Anran and Ji Rou drew much attention, both mother and daughter were wearing similar lilac coloured wrap dress. The only thing that was different was Ji Rou's dress was more of a light purple-ish blue colour and Lu Anran's dress colour inclined towards a light purple-ish pink.

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