Forty Seven

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Hannah Dolan
"Shhhhhhhh." I whispered to Ava as I rocked her back and forth in my arms. "It's going to be okay."

It's 4am in the morning and Ava has just started crying and she won't stop coughing. I'm trying to keep her quiet, trying not to wake anyone else up, and Grayson has just gone to get a thermometer to take her temperature.

"You are a little hot aren't you?" I said to Ava in my baby voice, still rocking her. As I began to rub her cheek, she started to quieten down a little, giving me a little relief but she kept on coughing.

"I've got it." Grayson whisper-shouted as he walked into the bedroom. "It says to put this thing in her ear and wait until it beeps." He explained sitting down beside me.

I bit my lip, "she's going to hate that."

"I know she hates things in her ears but we need to do this because she's coughing everywhere babe." Grayson insisted.

"I know." I said looking down at Ava eho is still coughing.

As Grayson put the thermometer in her ear, I held her close to my chest to try and stop her from crying as much. Luckily the beep sounded fast and Ava slowed her crying down again.

"Babe." Grayson looked at me worried.

"What? What is it?" I asked panicking.

"She's got a temperature of 108°F." He replied. "I think we ought to take her to the hospital."

"I think you're right." I weakly-smiled.

"Here, I'll take Ava while you get dressed and then you sort her out while I get myself sorted, okay." Grayson said.

"Yep, okay."

"Shhhhhhhh." I rocked Ava as we quietly walked downstairs, trying not to disturb anyone.

"Do we need anything from down here before we leave?" Grayson asked.

"Maybe just Ava's bag with her toys and diapers in it." Grayson nodded.

"Here, we'll take my Mom's car." Grayson handed me the keys and I walked out to the car with Ava.

Grayson Dolan
After I gave Hannah the keys for my Mom's car, I needed to find Ava's bag but I have no idea where it is.

As I walked into the living room, I noticed my Mom sleeping on the sofa.

"Mom." I lightly shook her.

"Huh? Oh Grayson. You okay?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, we're just taking Ava to the hospital. She's coughing and has a high temperature. Is it okay if we take your car because I don't really want to take the van."

"Yeah that's fine. Hope everything goes well." She said before walking back upstairs to her bedroom.

I was confused as to why she was down here but I'll just ask her later.

I walked into the dining room and found Ava's bag on the table. I picked it up before speed walking out the door and into the car.

Hannah Dolan
"Come on baby, everything's going to be okay." I told Ava, still rocking her.

"Why's she not in the car seat?" Grayson asked as he sat in the driver's seat.

"The hospital is 20 mins away and she doesn't like the car seat much. I'm just going to hold her." I replied.

"Okay. I think my Mom needs a car seat like ours then." Grayson joked and I smiled back before focusing on Ava again.

Once we got to the hospital, and were walking to the emergency department, we could tell that we walked past a few fans and paps but we were just focused on getting Ava checked on.

"I think she just has a fever, but I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics which should help." The doctors explained.

"Okay thankyou." I said.

"Although she only has a fever, I think we still did a good thing by getting her checked out." I said as we got into the car.

"Yep. At least we know what to do if this happens again." Grayson smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"Yep." I said looking at Ava, who is now sleeping.

She'll be okay.

My Future Family {G.B.D}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant