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Hannah Raine
Wow, all I can say is wow. Time really flies, huh? It felt like it was only yesterday that Emma surprised the boys about her pregnancy.

Anyway, me and Grayson are getting married in a week, meaning that I have my last fitting today before the wedding! Emma is my maid of honour, and of course Ethan is Grayson's best man, but I still don't have anyone to walk me down the isle. Me and Grayson have been thinking long and hard, and we think we have the right person. We just have to hope that they say yes!

I've been getting ready for the past hour, and as soon as I go to say goodbye to Grayson, I hear a honk outside signalling that Emma is outside. I quickly peck Grayson on the lips before grabbing my purse and running out the door.

"Wow, look at you!" Emma says as she's sat on the bonnet of her car.

"How can I when all I see is the cutest baby bump I've ever seen!" I say rubbing her belly. She's 8 months pregnant, and she has a massive bump. Emma blushes and gets into the car. I follow her and sit in the passengers seat.

"So, go over the plans for the day!" Emma says as she pulls out of the driveway.

"Well, we're going to have Elle and Alaïa walk down the isle first as the flower girls. And then, the bridesmaids and the groomsmen will walk down the isle. You will follow on your own after, before I'm hoping that Ethan will walk me down the isle!?" Emma immediately squeals when I mention the last bit.

"Have you asked him yet?" Emma says as we eventually pull into the parking lot behind the wedding dress shop.

"No, but I'm hoping to today. I've got no one to walk me down, and me and Grayson have thought about it long and hard." She nods her head as we walk into the shop.

We are immediately greeted by a lovely lady who takes me name and tells us to wait for a minute for Stella to come out.

"Hannah! How are you?" She says as she brings me into a hug.

"I'm good, just eager to put this dress on!" I squeal with excitement.

The appointment goes smoothly and the dress is all done. It's perfect. Emma says I look stunning in it. I can't wait until Grayson sees it.

We soon pull up outside mine and Grayson's house. Grayson text saying that him and Ethan are just chilling at our house, so I told Emma to come in. As soon as we step out of the car we hear Tame Impala coming from the backyard. I take off my shoes and put my purse on the counter when I see the boys on the skate ramp, by the pool. I walk outside, with Emma not far behind and say hello.

"Hey baby. How did the fitting go?" Grayson says and he jumps down and pulls me into a tight hug. Ethan does the same for Emma.

"It went really well." I say kissing him on the cheek. I then get closer to his ear and whisper, "I told Emma and she's sure he'll say yes, should I ask now?" Grayson quickly turns to look at me and nods his head. I ask everyone to sit down by the fireplace and we start to announce the news.

"So, the wedding is exactly a week today and everything is prepared except from one thing." Grayson says pulling me towards him.

"What's that?" Ethan asks.

"Someone to walk me down the isle." Emma smiles at me, and a Ethan just looks at me and pouts. "Ethan, I was wondering if you'd do me the honour of walking me down the isle?" He jumped up out of his seat and was in complete and utter shock.

"Ummm ... of course! Wow! Why me?" He says pacing around the patio.

"Because I don't really have any family left, and you're really the only other boy, apart from Gray, that is really close to me." He brings me into a tight hug and then puts me down.

The rest of the night, we play card games and celebrate a wedding that hasn't even happened yet. Cheers to what is to come!

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