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Hannah Raine

Me and Grayson were driving through Los Angeles, on the way to meet Ethan and Emma at Lucky Strike (the bowling place). Grayson had put Tame Impala on in the car, like usual. When I first met Gray, I thought his music taste was a bit unusual but I'm used to it now and if I had to pick something to put on to listen to, it would be this. I know it sounds really clique, but it felt like we were in one of those driving montages, where the sun is setting and our hair is blowing in the wind.

"So you going to tell them about the tour tonight?" Me and Grayson had a long talk this morning after I told him the news, planning everything out. We knew it was going to work out so we called Rachel back and confirmed the tour with her. "Yeah, I really hope they say yes." I was still worried they were going to say no, but Grayson seems to be certain that they will say yes no matter what. "Of course they're going to! Are you dumb?" A small chuckle left his lips, followed by one from me as well. I loved how we messed around with each other. "Okay!" I was still so hyped from the news. Like who wouldn't be? I'm going on a freakin' international tour!


We finally made it to Lucky Strike and Grayson came straight over to me and held my hand as soon as I got out of the car. "I'm gonna win!" Grayson shouted. "Ummmm, excuse me Gray? Who won last time?" I was being as sassy as I could, as we joked around with each other. "Fair point." He chuckled a little and looked really embarrassed. 

We were soon met with two familiar faces waiting for us on one of the lanes. "Hey guys!" Ethan looked at us and pointed, showing Emma that we were here. "Heyyy!" I let go of Grayson's hand and ran over to Emma, giving her a massive hug as if we hadn't seen each other for years. "So anything new?" Emma asked, curiously. "No ... well maybe something," I said quietly with a massive smile on my face. "What is it?" Emma begged to know. "Well ... care to come on tour with me again?" Emma's face lit up with excitement. I could tell I was going red as Emma screamed, "AHHHHH!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!" She drew a lot of attention to herself, but she didn't care. "What's going on here?" Ethan came in, giving me a hug. "Hannah's going on tour again!" Emma was jumping up and down, with Ethan, Grayson and I laughing at her. "Wow, that's amazing Hannah!" He hugged me tighter, he's always been like a big brother to me. "Do you guys want to come with Grayson and I?" I asked quietly with a huge smile. "Of course we will!" Ethan was getting really excited now. 

We all sat down with me and Grayson telling the two of them the details about the tour as we started the game. I was already doing so well, I've got this!

We finished our game, and I won. I'm not surprised, though! Me and Emma sat down in the lounge area as Ethan and Grayson went off to get us some drinks. We just sat there the whole time coming up with some ideas on what her and the boys could do on tour, to make it even better than last time. I'm not going to lie, we came up with some pretty amazing ideas.

Grayson Dolan 

Me and Ethan went off to go and get us all some drinks. I couldn't help but keep thinking about how I had a new idea to propose to Hannah. I had to tell Ethan.

"Bro, what would you think if I told you that I had a new idea on how to propose to Hannah, now that she's going on tour?" I was still concerned that this idea wasn't going to work, but I guess it's worth a try, right? "Spill!" Ethan said. "So, I was thinking, what if I proposed to her on the last night of tour, in front of thousands of her fans, and we live streamed it as well?" I was getting nervous, I could tell Ethan was thinking but, like, come on, you don't need to spend that long thinking. "That's a great idea, Gray! You should talk to Rachel." I'm glad he agreed with me, "okay, I will do tomorrow! Thankyou bro!" I'm so thankful to have Ethan next to me, supporting me all the way. It's also nice to be able to plan this out with someone, he is the only one who knows. 

I guess I'll be calling Rachel tomorrow ...

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