Twenty Four

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*I'm going to be using Daniella Monet as Hannah and in some cases Andrew (Daniella's partner) to get some pics to go along with the story*

Grayson Dolan
Today Hannah is officially 7 months pregnant. It's crazy how time flies! It felt like it was only yesterday that Han told me she was pregnant. I still can't believe we're having a baby girl - it honestly blows my mind!

Anyways, today Ethan is coming round to help with a few things for the baby's nursery. I've done a lot of things already - I'm a keen builder - I've done the crib, the dresser, and the rocking chair. Hannah insists she helps me, but I tell her she's not allowed to, she's carrying my child, and I've waited too long to be a dad. I've wanted to be a dad to someone since I was little. Anyways, Ethan is coming over to help me paint the walls and put up the wallpaper. We've decided to go for more of a pink and grey geometric theme for the room, something modern. Emma is out with her mom for the day, so Hannah is going to look after Lucas for the day - I have no idea what they're going to do!?


I turn over to look at my phone, realising that it's 9am. Ethan is going to be here at 10am! I slowly slide out of bed trying not to wake Hannah, and sneak into the bathroom to have a shower.

Ever since Hannah was around 4 months pregnant, she's started to need her sleep a lot, and if she doesn't get her sleep she gets all snappy. Therefore, I try and let her sleep in until needed. I guess it's all the hormones and the usage of energy she needs.

After I've finished in the shower, I shave my beard and moisturise my face, not forgetting to brush my teeth of course. When I go to put the toothpaste on my toothbrush, the bathroom door opens, it's Hannah.

"Morning beautiful." I say quietly.

"Morning." She replies, kissing me on the cheek before turning around the corner to use the toilet. "When is Ethan and Lucas coming over?" She asks.

"In about 30 mins." I reply.

"Okay." Is all she says before leaving to get dressed, I presume.

As she walks out I notice how she's started to waddle, and how her belly has doubled in size overnight.

ring ... ring ... ring ...
(G = Grayson, E = Ethan)

G - "Hey bro!"

E - "Bro, I'm so sorry, but I can't come over."

G - "Why? Is everything okay?"

E - "Yeah, everything's fine, Lucas just isn't feeling well."

G - "Oh no. What's up with him?"

E - "He's got a really high temperature, I think he might have a fever."

G - "Okay, I guess we'll see you at his 2nd birthday party on Sunday then."

E - "Yeah, sorry bro. I know you needed my help."

G - "It's fine. Go look after your son, my nephew!"

E - "Will do sir!"

G - "I'll ring you later."

E - "K byeeeeee!"

And before I could say a goodbye back, he had hung up the phone. I guess Hannah will be coming with me after all, but I'm not letting her lift anything heavy!

"Hey babe!" I shout, knowing Hannah was downstairs.

"Yeah!" She says walking into the bedroom.

So she wasn't downstairs ...

"E can't come over now because he thinks Lucas has a fever."

"That's awful!" She replies

"I guess you'll have to come to the hardware store with me after all." I say holding my hands out, shrugging my shoulders and rolling my eyes.

"Quit rolling your eyes at me. I'd love to come." She says in an over-excited tone of voice.



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