"You're Actually Fun!" - Silmarillion One Shot

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"It's clean," Laurefindil said.

"Yeah, my Mamil says I should keep it clean," Ecthelion as he hopped on his bed.

"My room is always messy," He replied as he jumped onto the bed beside Ecthelion but it sent Ecthelion up in the air a bit.

"Sorry," Laurefindil said.

"Why? That was fun!" Ecthelion replied smiling. He stood up and jumped sent Laurefindil in the air a bit. The golden-haired elf grinned and stood up and jumped as hard as he could which sent Ecthelion into the air and then landing on his behind.

"Ha! I win!" He said jumping again. Yet, he didn't expect to be tackled onto the bed and then slapped with a pillow.

"Nope I do," Ecthelion said sitting back.

Laurefindil blinked in surprise and said, "Hey! You're actually fun!"

"What do you mean actually? I am amazingly fun," Ecthelion said.

"I was excited to come since I like playing around with other Noble elflings. They normally are serious or trying really hard to be proper. I didn't think any others would be fun!" Laurefindil said.

"Well I am," Ecthelion said, folding his arms.

"Finally! What do you like doing for fun then?" Laurefindil asked.

"Lots," Ecthelion said. He stood up and grabbed his arm, "Here I'll show you!"


Ecthelion brought Laurefindil into the gardens where beautiful smelling filled the air and small but elegant fountains stood surrounded by flowers. Ecthelion climbed up to one of them and gently picked up a small pebble and dropped it causing a small splash.

"I like seeing how big of a splash you can get," Ecthelion said.

"You can't get a big one like that," Laurefindil said. He pulled off a shoe stood a bit away and flinged it towards the fountain. Ecthelion jumped away before the shoe hit the water and caused a bigger splash.

"You know your shoe will be wet now," Ecthelion said. Laurefindil just shrugged as he pulled off his other shoe and did the same thing. Just like before it hit the water and caused a splashed. "Bet you can't get a bigger one then I did."

"Bet your wrong," Ecthelion said as he pulled off his shoes and tied them together before he threw both of them in and caused a much bigger splash.

"Beat that," Ecthelion said with a smirk. Laurefindil stared at the fountain and thought for a moment. Before he grinned and ran and jumped. Water went flying and Ecthelion stared in disbelief. He walked over and sat on the watered edge as Laurefindil's head popped up.

"You are crazy," Ecthelion said. Laurefindil grinned and spat out water at him. Ecthelion jumped back and shook his head.

"That's it," Ecthelion said and dove in after Laurefindil and tackled him.


"Well that went very well Lord Maltamacil," Tyelpehatal as they left his office.

"Yes," Maltamacil replied with a nod. "Now I should get my son and we should be going."

"Of course," He said with a nod. Tyelpehatal turned to a servant and instructed them to go get the boys from Ecthelion's room. Yet, once the servant went up the stairs the two lords turned having heard a door close. They stared at their sons were both soked, hair all messed and tangled. As well as having mud over their clothes and face.

"Atar! He isn't boring!" Laurefindil exclaimed coming over to his father.

"Course I am not," Ecthelion said as he walked over to his father. Who just smiled and shook his head looking at his son.

"Laure, what will your mother say when she sees you?" Maltamacil asked, looking at him. Laurefindil blinked and looked down at his clothes. "She told you to keep yourself clean."

"I did...until I jumped out of the fountain to get dirt to throw at Ecthelion," He replied.

"Dear Mandos....Laurefindil," Maltamacil said as he tried to take up a scolding tone but filed and just chuckled.

"I believe we have a change of clothes that he may take," Tyelpehatal said. "Ecthelion. Take Laurefindil back upstairs and give him some extra clothes...without causing a bigger mess."

"Okay Atar," Ecthelion said.

"Go on," Maltamacil said. Laurefindil nodded and followed Ecthelion up the stairs and the elven lords both sighed heavily.

"I am very sorry about Laurefindil," Maltamacil said. "He's a very adventurous child."

"It is alright," Tyelpehatal said. "Ecthelion also winds up in his own fair share of adventures."

Before Maltamacil could reply there was a loud crash from an upper floor and a loud, "Oops!" which soon followed after. Before laughter was heard and running feet and a slamming of a door. 

Middle earth: One - Shots, Drawings, and randomness 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu