F I F T Y - F O U R : M A N I N T H E S H A D O W S

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A/N: This is the last chapter lovelies! It's short but don't worry, an epilogue is a given and on its way. Just a warning, may not like how I end this sequel. [Yikes!] Please don't hate me. Hmmm seems like Deja Vu because I'm sure I said the same thing at the end of Commitment haha.

This chapter will be different and from someone's POV that isn't the main characters. Enjoy and stay tuned for the ending of Sacrifice.

Remember to vote and comment<3

F I F T Y - F O U R : M A N  I N  T H E 


I step out of my rusted pick-up truck, you know, something to keep unwanted attention off of me, and begin my walk towards the front gate of the establishment.

As I look up at the large church I think about the last time I stepped foot in here. It's been months actually. Right after I got the news of my only nieces death actually. I too, like many people truly thought she was dead. That was until I was contacted by Bassama informing me that she was very much still alive and was in Cairo with Jason.

For years, Bassama and I have been working together to be sure that everything fell into plan. Even when I was still under my father's watchful eye, I was betraying him while working with the one being in this world he hated most. The very being that saw the end of his reign nearly two-hundred years ago.

Aside from her and I, only a few others were in on the plan. Unfortunately one of them passed away when Jason took his life five months ago in Cairo. Of course, the one who originally thought up the plan with Bassama before me, resides somewhere on the premises as we speak. He has been staying back in the shadows for some time now, not wanting to give himself away. That's the way he wanted it since the beginning when he left and who was I to object. I owed him everything by finally opening my eyes to the truth.

It was he who opened my sisters eyes as well. If anyone knows the true corruption of the Templar it would be him.

When I finally approach the church, I spot a figure kneeling in the rose garden to the side and smile. The man is dressed in gardening attire with his back to me and while walking towards him, my boots clap against the concrete walkway, drawing his attention. As he stands to face me, I'm taken back once again at the appearance of him.

God, he looks just like him. Well of course he would Malcom, he is his twin brother for goodness sakes. I take in the man before me with a grin and once I'm close enough, I open my arms wide to embrace him in a hug.

Yes, he looks just like him but there's a softness, a kindness in his features. The same kindness I saw in Mary many times and the same kindness I see now in Katarina. Something I've never once seen in the man who corrupted both me and my sister; along with countless others.

"Malcom," he sighs with a wide smile as he looks down at me before pulling me in for another hug. Sometimes I forget how much this family are chronic huggers.

"Uncle, it's great to see you. What has it been, six months?" I ask as I step back and he leads me towards a bench besides the rose garden.

"Why yes it has. What are you doing here?" he asks as he uses a rag to wipe the dirt off of his hands.

"I came to inform you that it's started. The plan, is in motion now. Finally after all these years," I sigh as I look around the beautiful garden he tinkers with in his downtime. When I glance back at him, I notice his breath hitch as he stares down at the grass.

"Has it now? So I take it Bassama has arrived and Katarina knows everything finally?" he continues to look down at the grass with a somber expression.

"Not everything, just what she needed to know. Enough to set her mind and gain our trust," I rub my chin, feeling the stubble growing through. Time for a shave soon.

"When will she start her training?" he asks with a raspy voice before clearing his throat.

"Not anytime soon. Uncle, Katarina is pregnant," I continue to look at him and his eyes widen as he continues to look at the ground and I catch a small lift of his cheeks as he smiles.

"Is she now? Well that's some news isn't it? She'll make a wonderful mother, just like Mary was and would've had fate been kinder to her," he frowns and quickly wipes at his cheeks to catch the tears before the fall.

My heart aches with grief as well at the loss of my sister. It's been twenty-one years but still feels like yesterday when I found my sister and her husbands dead body inside their home.

"Yes. However I'm worried about her since Dante is in an induced coma since Jason nearly killed him during the battle," I begin and he nods his head.

"I know. I had gotten the call informing me of what happened at Fitzgerald Manor," he rubs his palms on his jean cladded thighs.

"I figured. Since I'm so worried and with her condition, that's why I didn't tell her everything. Such as the things about you. Uncle, she's going to find out eventually and I'm worried about what that might do to her. Better yet what she may do to you," I turn towards him as I put my hand on his broad shoulder.

"I know Malcom but she'll come to understand why I did what I did. I hate to say this but she'll have to get over it. I did it for her protection and besides, this is all much bigger than what does or doesn't hurt her feelings. Something I'm hoping motherhood will teach her," he sighs as he runs his hand through his thinning hair.

"I agree but she is also Mary's child and has a temper on her," I chuckle and he follows along.

"This is very true. Trust me, I've seen Katarina's temper first hand many times from when she was living in the orphanage here. Quite the little spitfire that one," he chuckles. I nod my head, remembering how she held me up against the wall outside of the hospital wing.

I begin to feel a pull in my chest at the fact I missed out on so much of my nieces life but it had to be done. Yes Mary would've wanted her daughter to be with family instead of the foster system but it was done to protect her. Had I, my uncle, even the Azazel's taken her in; he would've found her easily and had her killed.

Then again, didn't matter in the end because he knew where she was hiding before any of us could've put a stop to it. I will say this, the man has a lot of patience to scheme a plan and slowly watch it unfold. That is one thing both him and Bassama have in common.

No way in hell would I be able to wait two-hundred years to watch something I knew to happen eventually, come true.

We stay silent for a while, enjoying the breeze and the sweet floral smell around us. My Uncle finally puts a hand on mine, giving it a firm squeeze, reassuring me that everything will be fine. To trust him, trust Bassama and what they set up nearly thirty-five years ago when he left the Templar.

"What else happened at the Manor? I heard Katarina had to kill Jason. I'm sure she didn't take it well especially since you no doubt informed her of the truth behind him," he sighs and I nod.

No she didn't take it well. Whatever guilt she was feeling before about having to kill her brother, only intensified after I explained his innocence in all of this. How he too, like a lot of us was corrupted by Damien Anderson.

"She didn't but I think it'll only fuel her more to follow through and accept her destiny," I nod and am about to explain more when an older woman in a nun's outfit walks up to us. She gives me an apologetic smile as she looks down at my uncle.

"Father Samuel...you're needed inside at the moment."

With a heavy sigh, he pats his knees before standing up. Looking over his shoulder at me as he follows her inside, he gives me the classic Anderson crooked smile.

"Malcom, I'll be right back and then you can tell me everything that's happened to my great-niece since the last time I saw her."

Oh Uncle Samuel, I hope you know just how much you're going to break that girls heart when she finally finds out the truth about you.

Please God, don't let it discourage her from finally taking what's rightfully hers. We've been through too much all these years to make sure she has her moment.

Her destined moment to reign...

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