T W E N T Y - F O U R : K I N K Y

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A/N: Soooo, I'm sure you can get an idea of what this chapter is about from the title itself ;)

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T W E N T Y - F O U R : K I N K Y


When I explained to Joseph that Kat was coming over tomorrow, he got so excited. It was nice seeing him genuinely happy again. He didn't even care what it was for, he was just happy she was going to be here so he could see her again. Now I'm laying in his bed with him to make sure he goes to sleep because he was so animated about tomorrow he didn't want to settle down to go to bed. I finally got him to fall asleep but I didn't want to get up and go to my own bed just yet.

I've grown quite attached to my little guy the last five months. It's been just the two of us and honestly I'm so glad I had him because I don't think I'd be as grounded as I am now if I hadn't. After losing Kat, it hit me bad. But I had to crawl up from that dark abyss and find my footing, for him.

As I lay in his bed with my arms behind my head while looking at the ceiling, there's a slight rumbling. Another earthquake? Or maybe I'm so exhausted I'm starting to experience shit that isn't real.

I lay in Joseph's bed for a few more minutes before I get up and head into the hallway, closing his door quietly so I don't wake him. I lean up against the wall for a minute to take a deep breath and that's when I get the sense that someone is in my room down the hallway.

Mickey left hours ago, so no one else should be here. Unless maybe Jax came by, but this late? And why would he be in my room with the door closed? I quietly walk to it, preparing myself to handle whatever intruder is in there. I open the door quickly and what I see nearly knocks me on my ass. I walk further in and Katarina is here, in my room, on my bed.

It's not the fact she's here that surprises me most, it's what she's wearing and how she's laying on my bed. She's in black lace lingerie, the kind where it's the see-through bra and panties. That's hot as hell, but what has my cock immediately standing at attention is the stockings and garter belts she has on her long thick legs.

Kat is laying on her side, propped up on her elbow with her head laying on her hand. She slowly slides her other hand up the side of her body in a flirtatious way and I immediately close the door while locking it before I cautiously make my way further into my room, looking over every inch of her with desire. She's so damn beautiful. I walk around to the side of my bed and her gaze follows me.

When I've reached the edge of my bed, she rolls over on her stomach and that's when I see her ass. She's in a thong, gifting me with it's deliciousness and I nearly get off right then and there.

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