T W E N T Y - S E V E N : H Y P N O S I S

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A/N: So this is the chapter finally where everything is about to change.

Do you think Kat will get her memories back? Also what do you think the future holds for the two?

T W E N T Y - S E V E N : H Y P N O S I S

When I sit down on the chaise lounges in Dante's office, Kyle hands me a mug with tea in it. "What's this?" I eye it suspiciously before smelling it. It's chamomile tea, my favorite.

"It's to help you relax. You were recently worked up so it'll be hard to put you under," he mocks and looks at Dante with wide eyes.

Dante smirks as he leans back on his desk with his arms crossed. He still is avoiding my gaze and I'm beginning to get worried. What did I say that was so bad?

I take a sip of the tea and look at everyone in the office. Jax is standing next to Dante, mocking his stance and I can't help but grin. Mickey is sitting on the lounge next to me, patting my hand to calm me down. He can tell I'm a nervous wreck right now. Who wouldn't be? I'm about to possibly get a life time of memories back. I wonder if it'll happen gradually or all in one big rush. I should've asked Dante more about it when I had the chance. When I look over at him, he is staring right at me but quickly looks away when he notices me looking.

This is bothering me more than it should. I don't want him being upset and I especially don't want him being upset with me. I take a few more long sips to calm my nerves and that's when it begins to hit me.

"Whoa," I mumble as the empty mug slips from my hand and falls to the floor with a thud on the area rug. The room feels like it's swaying back and forth for me as I desperately try to keep my eyes open.

"Kat are you alright?" Mickey grabs a hold of me to hold me up.

"She's fine. I added a little something extra to make it work faster," Kyle reassures Mickey and I can feel myself being laid down.

It's so soft and comfortable. I feel like I'm on a cloud. For some reason I wonder if this is how puppies feel when they sleep.

"Katarina?" Kyle calls my name. I hum to answer him.

"Katarina, right now you're feeling very tired. You will feel very light, almost like you're floating. I want you to follow the sound of my voice. I want you to listen to my voice and my voice only. Listen to all of my commands and you will do as I say with no question. When it's time to finally wake, you will listen to the command 'Wake up' and listen for a snap. Understood?" he asks me with a monotone voice. My mind is now willingly open to his every suggestion.

"Yes. I am under your control. I will listen to no one else's voice but yours," I answer truthfully.

"Katarina, What is your full name. Answer."

"Katarina. Marie. Fitzgerald," I mutter. Obeying my master's orders.

"Very good. When is your birthday?"

"October twenty-third."

"A Scorpio huh? That would explain a lot." I hear the master chuckle to himself. "Katarina. I want you to open your subconscious and find a memory. It's a very important memory. The memory that is keeping the door to your subconscious locked. You need to find that memory and unlock it. You need to let your mind free. Jason doesn't have your memories, you do. They're all safely tucked away. But they don't need to be anymore."

I listen to master and I find the big double doors. There's a lock on them. A big one. I reach out and I break it with my hand. I grab the handles to the doors and swing them open. Suddenly I'm hit with a wave of emotions. Fear, pain, grief, loneliness, longing, love, happiness, desire. The emotions keep flooding in. It's overwhelming and I feel like drowning.

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