F I F T Y - T W O : S A C R I F I C E

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A/N: [insert cringe face]

Yeah so I totally did what I did at the end of last chapter. Buh-bye Dante! ^_^

Totally kidding, please don't hurt me haha

But no seriously, Dante and Jason have this kinky ass relationship where Jason is always poking Dante with his blade. [winky face]

We are nearing the end of the sequel and I really hope you've enjoyed the story. It's taken what feels like forever to write but we are finally getting there.

F I F T Y - T W O : S A C R I F I C E


Five seconds.

That's how long I stand in place as I watch my husband get stabbed three times by my brother.

Five seconds for me to kick my own ass into gear and go full protective mode over my husband; my mate.

Jason removes the blade from Dante's chest and I nearly fall apart when Dante's face falls forward. No, he can't be dead.

Something deep down inside me falls apart as I feel a part of my soul perish. I can tell, without even touching him, seeing him, that Dante is on the brink of death. My husband is going to die and all I can do is watch.

Not true. Do something Katarina. Dante wouldn't just stand by and watch you die. He wouldn't sit aside, he'd do everything in his power to protect you. What, are you the same girl you were all those months ago? Weak. Pathetic. Incapable of protecting the one you love?

No, no I'm not.

With the last amount of magical power I have in me, I reach my hand forward and toss Jason's body back before he slices the edge of the blade over Dante's neck. His body flies back towards a circle of rocks and a dry patch of dirt. I fall to my knees, severely weakened by my lack of magic now and the lack of nutrients in my body to give me the energy I need. Kyle leans down next to me, holding me up from passing out.

"Kitty, you can't over exert yourself like that. You're weak and don't have your totem. Plus Dante would strangle me if anything happened to your or the baby," he caresses my face as he helps me stand.

"You're pregnant?" the man that lead us here speaks up from behind me. I turn towards him and only give him a simple nod, unable to speak since I'm short of breath. I notice the corners of his mouth rise as a smile crosses his face. Before I can ask him who he is, I hear Jason groan from where he landed.

I step away from Kyle as I slowly make my way towards Jason's body. He motions to follow me but the man with the long coat stops him. I'm thankful for that because what I may have to do, I don't need him possibly getting caught in the cross hairs. I glance over to Dante and whimper when I see his lifeless body. God please, don't let him be dead.

When I finally get closer to Jason, I recognize the circle he's laying next to as a Celtic knot. A Druid Sacrificial Celtic knot to be exact. What the hell is that doing here?

As I look closer I notice runes drawn out around its edges. This must have recently been set up since everything looks so fresh. Did Jason do this and if so, what are his intentions for it?

I look over at my brother and notice the gleam of hate in his dark eyes. My own brother, is looking upon me with so much disgust and loathing that it almost breaks my heart. Why couldn't have things been different? Why couldn't we have the relationship that most normal siblings have?

I'd like to think my brother wasn't always this evil. That somewhere down the line he was sweet, innocent, and loving. Something or someone in his life changed that and created the evil man kneeling before me. 

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