F I F T Y - T H R E E : T H E O R A C L E

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A/N: I know what you're thinking...major plot twist at the end of the last chapter. Well duh. But on a side note, as much as I disliked Jason, kind of sad to see him go.

We have two more chapters to go and then the epilogue. This chapter in particular will be a lengthy one as a lot of plot holes are filled. We will find out more about Bassama in this chapter too.

F I F T Y - T H R E E : T H E O R A C L E

Children, two to be exact, laughing and playing in a garden of beautiful flowers. Their brown curls bounce as they run about through the luscious grass. I watch from afar with a warmth all around despite the overcast weather. I hum to myself with bliss as the breeze blows a strand of my hair across my face.

A lightly tanned hand reaches up in front of me and carefully tucks the loose strand behind my ear. I look up into ocean eyes with love before quickly glancing at the perfectly placed lips further south. They curl up into a warm smile, making my heart swell with delight that the simple gesture gives me.

"I love you angel. Thank you," he speaks to me humbly.

"For what my love?"

"For everything you gave me. All the way up until the end."

With those last words my eyes flutter open in a haze as I glance up at the familiar grey ceiling above me. The mechanical sound of beeping is softly heard all around me. I sit up quickly, nearly falling over from dizziness. The tug of a cord on my finger gathers my attention and I quickly remove the pulse monitor from it.

"Kat," a baritone British voice besides me calls out and for a slight second my heart sores, thinking it's my husband. However; when I turn my head to see his best friend instead, my heart drops to my stomach.

"Jax," I nearly sob and he reaches out for me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"It's okay Kat. You're fine dear, you're in the infirmary at home," he coos softly as he gently caresses the back of my head with his hand.

"What, what happened?" I ask as I begin to look around. In a bed next to me lays Jared with both of his legs in a sling as they suspend in the air from an overhead pole. Poor guy.

"Jason had broken both of his legs. He'd be dead if Dante, Cameron, and I didn't show up when we did," Jax informs me as he continues to rub the side of my arm.


"Where's Dante? Where's my husband?" I panic and motion to stand. Jax gently grabs a hold of my arm and the motion causes me to look at the bed across from me on the other side of the hospital wing. In the bed lies my husband with machines hooked up to him.

"My God," I sob as I wiggle out of Jax's hold, clumsily making my way towards Dante's bed. When I reach it, I grab his hand in mine and nearly shrink away from the coldness.

"Baby, baby it's me. Please wake up," I sob as I lean over to run my fingers through his hair. There's a tube hooked up to his mouth, helping him breathe. I don't like it. I don't like it at all. It seems so...unnatural.

"Kat, dear he won't wake up yet," Jax assures me as he stands on the other side of Dante's bed.

"I know that Jax but...wait, how long was I out for?" I glance up at Jax before softly situating myself on the large bed that my husband's massive form is laying in.

Needing to be close to him, I curl up next to his body, needing to desperately feel his warmth even though he's freezing. It's almost like I'm laying with a dead corpse without Dante being Dante, the usual talkative, playful man that I love.

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