Part 21: The Infinity Train

Start from the beginning

"It's a steam engine. A train." Zenitsu deadpanned at Inosuke's densness.

"What he said." Akai added.

"Careful, Inosuke. It might be the guardian of this land. Attacking it may be a abd idea." Tanjiro said with a cautious tone.

"No. It's a train. You country bumpkins" Zenitsu deadpanned.

"PIG ASSAULT!!!" Inosuke flew forward amd rammed the train with his head.

"Dammit, Inosuke! That noise will-" Akai was cut off when they heard a shrull wistle.

"SECURITY!!! STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!!!" The train station guards heard the commotion and came running. "THAY HAVE SWORDS!!! CALL THE POLICE!!!"

"Gah!!!" Zenitsu exclaimed in suprise. He grabbed Inosuke and Tanjiro and ran away. Akai ran with them, while making sure the guards couldn't catch up.

"The Slayer Corp hasn't been officially recognized by our governmet, we can't just go running around screaming with our swords." Zenitsu said to Tanjiro and Inosuke. "We have to hide them on our back for now.

Inosuke stuck his swords into his pants so they could rest on his back. Which didn't do much since he didn't wear a shirt.

"They call this the Infinity Train because of its length and size

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"They call this the Infinity Train because of its length and size. We were supposed to meet with Rengoku-san. But it seems he's boarded already." Tanjiro said while studying a card he had been given that possesed the information of the mission.

"Nice, let's get tickets."


Akai, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu had all boarded the train, and were looking for Rengoku. They had to calm Inosuke as they traversed the train cars, due to him spouting off about being in 'the belly of the beast'.

"How do we find our guy?" Zenotsu asked.

"He's got really flashy hair, and I remember how he smelled. He's nearby." Tanjiro said.

"He also likes to shout a lot. Like a lot." Akai added.


"Like that."

They reached the end of the train car to find Rengoku scarfing down trays of food while shouting 'Tasty!' Over and over again.

Tanjuro: Um... Rengoku San-

Rengoku: Tasty!

Rengoku whipped in his direction and shouted.

"Um.. yes... I understand..." Tanjiro muttered.


"Ah. So that's it!" Rengoku patted his belly as two women carried off a dozen empty food trays. "But I dunno! This is my first time hearing of the 'Dance of The Fire God'! I'm delighted to hear that you applied your father's dance to a fight, but enough with this story!" Rengoku said with his usual loud, passionate voice.

"Wait, can I have a little more- please!" Tanjiro tried to ask for more time on the topic, but alas, Rengoku looked off into nowhere and began telling Tanjiro about pillars and breathing styles. Akai looked away from them and gazed around. He wondered how close a demon could be.

"I'm going to punch your tickets." The conductor walked towards them with a ticket puncher.

"Oh, here." Akai held out his ticket.

"Okay, where are you you bastard..." Akai muttered. He took in a breath through his nose and immedietly smelt powerful demon. I have to tell Reng-" But everything went black once the conductor punched his ticket.


Time for a Taisho Secret!

Since Akai was from so long ago, he didn't know much about how the world had changed over the one thousand years. Without Shinobu's memories, he would be more clueless about the world around him than Inosuke!

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