"To meet that Zayn guy obviously!" he scoffs and walks away, leaving me confused as hell.

This is bad. Very very bad. Oh God, how do I save Zayn from him...




As we made our way into the cafe, I spotted Zayn as he waved us over. I heard Louis scoff behind me and mumble something about Zayn looking like fuckboy. I turned to give him a glare and mouthed him words, "Behave." to which he just rolled his eyes.

When we reached the table, Zayn stood to give me a hug and a kiss on cheek while his whispered in my ear, "Intimidating..."

I just gave him a loop sided smile and introduced them two even though I had already texted a synopsis of Louis and his personality before leaving the house.

Had to give a heads up..

Now, after about half an hour, I feel like the tension in the air is so thick that you could just cut it with a knife. Louis has just been sitting there and glaring at Zayn. I have elbowed him a few times but whenever I try to get him to stop, he just passes a rude remark. 

I want the ground to open up and swallow me. I can't even look at Zayn directly.. as if the guilt from the previous happening wasn't enough. Speaking of the guilt, I'm not even sure how to bring up that night at club in front of him.. Just thinking about that night makes my heart sink in my chest. Not even a single sign of Harry after that either. I'm just trying to forget that even happened. I still have to ask how Zayn knows Harry. But that's a story for another day.

"Sooo, tell me about yourself," Louis' voice breaks my trance and I look up from where I have been sitting and staring at the table towards him as I sit up straighter. 

"Well what do you want to know? I have nothing to hide," Zayn shrugs as he takes a sip of his coffee and smiles at me.

"Umm let's start with, how do you know Liz? How long have you two been a thing? How much longer do you plan on doing this? Or maybe your fuckboy personality. You don't look a relationship kinda guy being honest. No offense."

"Louis....Enough," I hiss at him.

"Oh, it's okay. I get where he's coming from," Zayn says to me and then turns towards Louis to continue,"Well we have the same class. So that's how i know her. It's been a few weeks of us being together and I plan on keeping this relationship as long as she is willing because I really like her. About my fuckboy personality, yes. I do look like one, even was one. But I'm trying to change for her. So, yeah that's it."

"Okay then. I guess we're done here," Louis says as he gets up to leave. "Oh and I hope you don't mind. It's just that I have known Liz since childhood and she is like a sister to me. And do keep in mind, if you're not able to 'change' then leave before you end up hurting her by fuckin' up. Trust me, you don't wanna hurt her or there will be severe consequences."

"Yes sir." Zayn just nods and gives him a closed lip smile.

I am just sitting there and staring at the two of them. I open my mouths but no words come out of it and Louis just turns to me as he grabs my hand and motions for me to get up.

After saying our goodbyes and stepping out of the cafe I text zayn an apology for how Louis behaved.

Louis tries to talk to me all the way to Christina's apartment and I keep on ignoring him.

When we reach there, we meet her and Niall. I don't utter a word and sit on the couch beside Niall and he cuddles me. 

Apparently Louis got here last night and Niall picked him up at the airport. He stayed at Christina's apartment after surprising her.

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