The tickling fight took on for another few minutes but ended when the hybrid's body went limp in exhaustion.

"Awww, is Ggukkie sleepy?" Taehyung asked while taking the boy between his arms and spooning him on the bed.

Jeongguk nodded while latching his mouth on his thumb, he nuzzled closer to the silver-haired and closed his eyes. When he was in little space he always grew tired faster than usual so he fell asleep real soon. The older smiled and planted a kiss on top of his head before he slid off the bed. He glanced a look at the younger one last time, knowing he had to cherish this moment because when the hybrid would slip out of little space, it would never happen again.

He walked into the dark hallway, portraits of the family legacy scattered across the wall. He almost vomited when he walked past his grandpa's one. He shook his head to block the bad memories from coming in again and walked further.

"Hey, kid!" he heard the familiar raspy voice calling him. "Is that Jeon guy here?"

Taehyung turned around and faced Yoongi. The cat-looking boy almost tripled over to him and looked him questionable in the eyes.

"Yes, he's here" the silver-haired answered while hugging his hyung.

The blonde just nodded and turned to look Taehyung deeper in the eyes.

"Be careful, your father has plans with him so keep him out of sight"

"He's sleeping now"

Yoongi nodded again and intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's.

"Do you perhaps, like him?" he looked him questionable in the eyes again and they stopped in their tracks.

"I don't know, I think it's too early for that but I do like him around me"

The older's eyes saddened and let go of their hands.

"Don't get attached too much, kid"


When the silver-haired entered the room again, all he did was stare at the younger. Mesmerizing his soft features.

The hybrid was cuddling the blanket and his thighs were on full display. His white tail wrapped around his tiny waist. The older walked closer to the aforementioned and studied his sleeping face.

Mouth slightly agape and long eyelashes beautifully curled around his eyes, the mole above his lip just completing all of his perfect features. His brown hair looked fluffy and soft and he wanted to touch it so he ran his hand trough the latter's hair. When his finger brushed accidentally against the youngers white ears a small moan left his mouth.

Taehyung jerked away and watched the hybrid's eyelashes fluttering open.

"T-taehyungie?" a soft voice filled the room.

The older just sat there and stared at the perfect creature in front of him. The hybrid tilted his head and looked confused into the latter's eyes. He looked really spaced out and questioning but the silver-haired didn't notice until the younger started whining.

"Shhh, Ggukkie, you were in little space" Taehyung reassured while crawling over to the aforementioned.

Panic flashed in Jeongguk's eyes as he crawled away from Taehyung. He tumbled of the bed and landed ass first on the floor, the black carpet doing her job with easing the fall. A pout formed itself on his lips. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and made no intention on moving. The silver-haired rolled his eyes and slid off the bed, planting himself next to the pouty hybrid.

"We just played hide and seek, nothing happened, baby boy," Taehyung said while scooting closer to the smaller.

Suddenly, Jeongguk's body fell down on the carpet and a whimper escaped his lips. His small hands grabbed the carpet and his fingers cramped into the strings. Taehyung gasped and stayed frozen in his spot, not knowing what to do and taken aback by the younger's actions.

Stutter-TaeggukWhere stories live. Discover now