The Long Awaited Battle

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Ink threw a wall of paint created from his own Magic, and not generated by his belt. His fire roots ripped apart several things at once.

He glimpsed Error shredding multiple targets with his strings, Blue guarding his backside. Blueberry was honestly more terrifying than the former Destroyer. He was coated in dust already, wielding a bone attack as a knife and hammer, effectively utilizing both sharp and blunt end.

Ink launched a wall of red paint and blue glassfire at X-Gaster, who obviously dodged and countered with hands and more red paint.

Using my own colors against me!!! Ink silently raged.

<Use that anger!> Sinead responded, ropes merging in front of him into a firey dragon that quickly solidified into a golden terror. It lunged at a row of enemies, demolishing them.

Ink spread dark red and teal flames across the ground all around himself, hoping to slip up and weaken the enemy. X-Gaster tossed purple everywhere, Ink creating a barrier so to not get chained.

<It was a distraction!> Sinead screeched in his mind as he saw through her eyes.

X-Gaster was using Overwrite.

He just replenished his army.

Then they saw the struggling figure in his hand. He held XChara by the neck.

Ink and Sinead acted as one on the same primal instinct.
Protect the child.

They threw themselves at the skeleton, spotting the black and white patterns of Cross and Bendy lunging from other directions.

X-Gaster was pinned beneath Sinead's bulk of her dragon form after Ink had kicked him in the face. Cross barely missed lodging his giant knife in the ribcage. Bendy had snatched XChara from the death grip despite being the same size as the kid.

Sinead only had the chance to grunt before she was thrown off. Ink doubled over in pain as she landed on a pile of sharpened bones, impaled. A dozen spike hands added insult to injury. Ink vomited a little as she dissolved into golden flames.

The pain faded and he rolled to the right in time to avoid a blast.
<Still here. That's basically an avatar. The real me is in you.> She explained, fire roots forming another shape.

The red and black Trex from the other day roared dramatically. A clarion call of ultimate victory. Ink had brought the unexpected. He had brought the unfamiliar enemies. Herobrine,  Blixer, Bendy, Kevin and Kenneth had all seen the attack patterns and forms of battle with monsters. But no one in X-Gaster's army knew anything of their styles, weapons, and Magic. It threw off the enemy like nothing else.

Ink and Sinead ganged up on X-Gaster while Ink took notes of strategies. His enemy was changing all of his patterns at random, trying to confuse him. But he was getting distracted by having to Overwrite reinforcements over and over. A lot of the time XChara was using Overwrite to counter this, but mostly for healing items and random things.

Blixer was causing absolute mayhem, pink arms flailing and explosions everywhere. All of his overwhelming attacks were synchronized to music, his face was a cannon, he surprisingly had legs as he smashed monsters to dust. His eye was a laser. He had a maniac grin on his face.
(Final Boss by Nitro Fun)

Fandroid was using the power of a triangle on his front and a sword made of triangles. The point shot a different laser, he pointed it at allies and healed them. He was blasting enemies with whitish explosions made of triangles.

Kevin and Kenneth worked back-to-back, slicing whatever stood in their path. Kevin was a sea green dragon wearing blue diamond armor, a single sunstone glowing in the helmet and another on the breastplate. He spat fire, shot lightning from his sword as well as summoned walls of flames or liquid fire. He would occasionally make some kind of star fall and cause an explosion.

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