Error is Emotional

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Ink had not been expecting a voice like that. Glitch free, unbelievably deep, and yet a bit melodious, like Alyss.

Error glared at him, on high alert. "You fucking lying sonofabitch, wait.." He seemed to realize that his thoughts were outside his skull. Ink smirked a little. Error appeared to be terrified, now. As if getting caught with what he really was saying was going to get him killed.

"What.. what the hell?" Ink continued to passively watch as Error started panicking. "What did- fucking psycho- how..??"

Ink was now intrigued. "I'm the psycho?" He asked. Error stared uncomprehendingly for a second, then his face was a mask of rage.

"Wh4+ +h€ £u¢[{ d1d ¥0u d0 +0 m€?!?!" He tried to speak out loud, but the mental speech was so much deeper and clearer..

Ink raised his hands. "I seriously didn't do anything, Alyss brought us here. To talk. Apparently our thoughts can be heard here?"

"Who the fuck. Is Alyss?"
°Oh, just me.° She made herself known. Error spun in a circle in shock, jumping at the small tree called the Red Fern.

"Where the fuck are you, where the fuck am I, how the fuck..."

°You should calm down, Error​. You might crash again.°

"Fuck you!" °I'm trying to help you.°

"Go to hell! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you you fucking-"

•Shut up before you annoy us further.• Eris threatened. Error actually complied. He looked scared out of his mind. Ink realized Error probably felt something like the panic attack that had struck him the night before.

"Hey.. Error. I'm sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to stop the constant fighting."

Error stared at him incredulously.
"$+0p +h€ £1gh+1πg?!" He laughed out loud. But as if he didn't expect Ink to hear, Error's oddly entrancing mind voice spoke, thick with emotion.
"The battle will never end, you egotistical bastard. You'll destroy the Multiverse if the fighting were to ever 'end'."

Ink now stared in surprise. "You were right." Was the only thing he could think. Alyss calmly spoke, talking to Error as he stood defeatedly.

°But what if Ink stopped creating?°

Error blinked. "|4d¥, ¥0u®€ 4
£u¢[{1πg 1d10+." He called out to her, then adding mentally: "That's impossible.."

"No Error. If it means you'll stop destroying AU'S, then I will. Also, I can still hear everything you're thinking."

Error goggled at Ink for a moment, then backed into the Fern, looking somehow even more scared than before. "You actually..?!"

"Yep... Besides, I don't really need new experiences anymore."

Error eyed him apprehensively. "..How the hell do you expect me to believe you? And what the hell is 'don't need new experiences anymore' supposed to mean?!"

Ink hesitated, afraid to show the person he had been enemies with since forever the thing beating inside him. But he unbent his anxiety enough to bring the Soul into view.

Error stared, looking as shocked as Ink had felt when he first saw it. He chuckled at it.

"Haven't you noticed that I'm not wearing my colors?"

Well Error​ definitely noticed now.

"Where did you even get that? I've never seen a Soul like that. You shouldn't have even taken it!"

"I didn't. She came to me."

Error blinked a couple times, gears turning. "She..? ..She! The lady-?!"

°Yes, Error. I did come to Ink. I didn't have a body, he didn't have a Soul. So you see part of what I was doing here. I needed a vessel. Floweys aren't an option. Nor are they very appealing to deal with anyway.°

Error's gaze darkened. "I don't trust this."

°Well good news. You don't need to. You can just help us help you. Ink will stop creating AU's, and you can stop destroying them. I'm sure that sounds wonderful to you right now. I know you are tired, Error.°

The darker skeleton stared longingly into the distance upon hearing that, taking in the immense mountain rising up behind Ink.

"It's a trick, isn't it?" He thought, sighing wearily. Ink shook his skull.
"No. Honestly Error? I'm pretty tired myself. This place is making me feel sleepy, and I don't know how to get back home, either. We're outside of the Multiverse. This is somewhere else."

Error's​ eyelights tremored as they searched for deception from him.

"We are talking in our minds, Error. Isn't it kinda hard to lie mentally? Dangit, I didn't want to say that.. actually it kinda proves my point."

Error paused, random words floating in the space around them as Error's thoughts fluttered about too quickly for Ink to understand.

His former enemy let out a long sigh, tears glimmering in his sockets. He fell to a cross-legged position, covering his face.

Error's shoulders racked with sobs. Error was crying. Quietly, from underneath his curled frame, Error emitted a single thought.

"Thank you."

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