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Ink groaned tiredly, rolling to his side..
And landing on the floor.

Ink blinked in surprise a couple times, then lifted his skull off the ground. There was a TV across from the hideously patterned couch he'd fallen off of.

He felt.. different. A little more.. here. And the buzzing in his bones was fainter, and he felt..
Ink never thought of himself as brittle before, but he felt the opposite of that.

Ink coughed, and only a wisp of colored flame lept out. He frowned, wondering what had happened. He sat up, shaking his skull.

"You really scared me, you know."

Ink spun at Sinead's voice. It wasn't in his skull, yet a whisper of it still was.

A small bird sat wearily on his shoulder, made of fire. It had a kind of longish neck, three feathers sticking up from the back of it's head, and a delicately sharp beak. Solid bright blue eyes observed him calmly. A black spot in the shape of Bendy's head was on its chest. Otherwise, it was entirely made of pale orange flames.

"... Sinead?" It nodded, starting to nod off. "Sinead." She blinked, and looked at him. "It was really hard, saving you. I'm pretty tired, now. Just.. don't go around drinking anymore.. of me."

She shuddered, and Ink faintly felt it inside him. "None of that was okay." He looked away, cringing. "I don't know what I was doing.." <hmm.>

Her voice was in his mind that time.
<Look at yourself.> What? Nothing. Ink watched as the bird dissolved and the flame collapse into his ribcage. She fell asleep inside him.

It made Ink a little sleepy, but he stood up and glanced at himself.

Ink's​ arms were covered in black tattoos. The carvings were filled in with his namesake, ink. He touched them, and they felt smooth, warm, and tender. Ink could feel his pulse in them.
His bones were also quite warm to the touch. They were brighter then he'd ever seen them before, too.

Ink felt.. contained. Or like a container. And not a fragile one. He was present in a way he had never been before. He opened and closed a hand, wondering what exactly Sinead had done to him.

He brought forth the Fire Soul. His Soul. And gaped at it.

A rainbow nimbus surrounded it, and the flames that trailed off of it were different colors of the spectrum. Only the center remained orange, glowing bright and healthy. A white line seemed to split it in half, and one of those halves into​ fourths.

Ink wanted to ask what it was, but Sinead was out cold. He sat on the couch, a little light-headed from this new development.

His mind was still reeling when he heard a gasp and running footsteps.
"INK YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!" Three voices screeched at once.
Ink was buried in hugs.

It took a minute before everyone eventually untangled themselves and stood in front of him. It was Dream, Blue, and Mabel.

"Are you okay?!?!" Mabel demanded, her eyes huge and watering. "She's right to ask that, you seem.. off." Dream mentioned. Blue just stood there, breathing heavily as if he'd run a marathon.

"I'm fine! Better than before too, I think. Look at my arms!" He held them up eagerly, curious.

"How do you feel, though??" Blue ignored the tattoos. Ink dropped the subject of the tattoos.

"Pretty good, actually. A little tired, but great!"
"Not like you're gonna dissolve or anything, right?" Mabel asked jokingly. Something in her voice told Ink it wasn't a joke.
Especially because Dream lightly smacked her without looking. Like they were hiding something.

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