New Ability Unlocked: Fire Roots

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Ink was racing around the Doodle Sphere, checking up on the AU'S excitedly. He was using a lot more Magic this time, finding it easier.

He could wave his arm and heatless flames would peel off his tattoos and become ropes of fire that snaked out and dart around the place, checking over the uncountable pages. It was strange, because they acted a lot like Error's strings. But where Error's strings were thin, blue, and came from his fingertips, Ink's ropes of fire came off the tattoos and were thicker, and orange. He thought of them as a cross between Error's strings and Nightmare's tentacles. Fascinating..

Ink was done making sure the Multiverse was alright in moments. Which kinda excited him.

It was Error's first time being here, and Ink was originally terrified of letting him come. Error had expressed desire in destroying the Multiverse in the past, and it was too easy for him to just cut all these pages with his strings.

But he was here. Watching. Nervously, one might add. Blue was hopping about happily while Dream observed passively. Error fumbled with his strings, but never did anything else.

Ink stared at his flaming arms for a moment, then recalled Error's ability to control others with his strings. An idea formed, and he wanted to test his theory.

Ink swung the ropes around as they wrapped around Dream and Blue with ease, and Ink was hit with a wave of emotions from the skeletons.

The flames seemed to pull out their Souls and go inside them a bit, and Ink could feel what they felt through this link.
This was not what he intended.

They were panicking now as they were under the control of someone else.

"Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. Didn't know that could happen!" Ink swung down and pulled them up to face him.
He felt their shock and disbelief.

"Sorry, got carried away there! Didn't know I could do that.." Ink put Dream and Blue down.
"What was that?!?! Are those like a version of Error's strings?!?!" Dream exclaimed. Blue just rubbed his ribcage, giving Ink a look and heading for Error.

"I guess they kinda are. But it's pretty cool!" Ink grinned and whipped the ropes about, using them to grab Broomie off his back. "And I can think of all kinds of ways to use them in combination with Broomie!!"

Error came up behind Dream, Blueberry in tow. "They kinda do look like my strings, but they act like Nightmare's tentacles too."

The ropes moved, four of them pointing at Error. One patted his skull.

Ink stared. "I didn't do that, I swear." He felt Sinead appear on his shoulder with a grin. "Yes, that's because I did."

Ink blinked in surprise. "I didn't think you could do that." She chuckled, and the fire ropes twisted to set Ink on the ground in front of the others.

"At least I don't necessarily need to possess you anymore. I can do things with these." She smiled, ropes flicking about playfully.

Ink shrugged. "Okay, but I am kinda wondering what exactly they can do."
With a touch of laughter, Sinead smiled again. "The simplest way to describe these, I call them fire roots. That's because they act like something between his strings, Nightmare's tentacles, and a Flowey's vines. And that's just a generalization."

He glanced at the ropes erupting from his arms. "Why my arms?" "Dunno, actually. In my forms, they'd come from my back or feet, depending on what form it was. Given that you're a skeleton, I thought they'd come from your... on second thought, you only have ribs and a spine. Now it makes more sense.."

Ink sensed Sinead's thoughts rushing​ by, too quick for him to catch. They were always too fast to catch.

"Whatever. Arms have the connection point. Deal with it, I ain't explaining." Ink chuckled. "Okay, then what exactly can they do?"

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