Herobrine's Side of the Story

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Ink stared out over the stunning landscape stretching out before him in the early morning light, wings still out. He'd flown here.

He glanced at his wings again. Whenever he was in control, the flames shifted through the color spectrum slowly. They were still made of black paint at the tops. He flicked the tips in delight. They were fun. They suited him.

A whisp of colored fire escaped him as he sighed. Ink was mostly just glad the ordeal was over. He felt.. the fire inside him. Ebbing along with the pulse of what he was gradually accepting as his Soul.

Giggling childishly, Ink spewed a rainbow torrent into the morning sky. There it dissapated, flames collapsing in on themselves. It was gratifying.

He leaned on the railing that prevented unnecessary falls. Excitement flowed through him. Ink could tell that his power had grown.

Sinead grinned in his mind. <Do you want to see what you can do now?>

They threw themselves over the railing, falling a dozen feet before his wings caught air and they dashed into the sky.

Playing a bit, Ink experimented with what arial tricks he could pull off. Sinead advised him carefully, so he wouldn't get hurt.

You know he's​ been through enough pain already. So did Sinead.

At one point Ink spun wildly through the air, fire pouring out of him like a river. He was enveloped in the flames.

Ink had managed to turn into a rainbow ball of fire with wings. He laughed, more billowing from his mouth like a celestial dragon of sorts.

Ink flew at breakneck speed over the ground, a meteor that trailed colored fire. He made a knife-edge turn between trees, wings vertical.

He then shot upwards, racing back to the ring of mountains. Ink had never before felt so alive, so packed with adrenaline, so Goddang fast.

Ink spotted figures on the balcony and whipped open his wings, trying to slow down. They felt like they were being torn from his spine and shoulder blades. Which hurt. A lot.

He was better at the landing this time. Ink stayed on his feet when he hit the ground, stumbling but standing. He grinned madly. "That was awesome!!"

Herobrine stood beside him, two dragonets on his shoulders. One white with bluish eyes, the other black with red-orange eyes. They yipped at each other playfully as their owner glared worriedly. You scared the hell out of us.

Ink shrugged carelessly. "I was having a bit of fun. Needed it. I had soooo much pent up energy!!"

The white eyed Human raised an eyebrow. Seriously? I would've expected you to be exhausted. You were screaming for days.

Ink blinked. Sinead fell silent. Neither had known that detail. "Days?"
Herobrine nodded. Ink sobered up. "I wasn't expecting to hear that.. I guess we just lost track of time.." He noticed how easily we slipped off his toungue.

Herobrine looked off to his left at the view. Well. At least I have my bed back. You've been in it for about a week.

Ink blanched. "I didn't mean to stay so long! Oh crap, I meant to stick​ around for 3 days tops!!" Ink gripped his skull worriedly. "I left Error alone!!"

Herobrine reached over and grabbed Ink's arm. Hey, let me help you. Ink stared at him. "Do you really think you can help?"

Yes. What can I do? I can simply come along if that's all you need. I just want to make sure you are okay.

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