Visit Another World

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Ink felt the rush of adrenaline, the sharp excitement from the scene he'd left behind. The Soul inside him pounded. Ink felt so brilliantly alive, even though Alyss had teleported away to the middle of a blizzard.

Why did we leave? He asked nonchalantly. The cold bit into him. <Well I didn't actually know how to wind down the conversation after that. So I figured it was best to just leave. Maybe start putting my plan into action? I was going to tell Dream about it a little after I had started it.>

She had released Ink when they arrived in the snowstorm. He started walking forward, just for something to do while they talked. His breath cast swathes of flames out around him in response to the cold, curling around Ink warmly.

So will you be taking me out of this Multiverse, then? <Definitely. In fact, there's a few places and people I miss.>

Alyss's thoughts moved to their own rhythm in Ink's mind. <I think I know someone you can meet first off. He's much like you, in a way. But he's no skeleton. He's not even a monster.>

Who is he, then? Ink asked. <He's the one who first discovered this layer of reality for us. The others like me. I didn't tell you his name earlier. I think I will now. His title may be the Ink Demon, but he has a heart of gold. His name his Bendy.>

Ink felt her twitch in his skull. She continued carefully. <He doesn't come from an AU Multiverse like this... He.. does currently live in a Merge Point of two Multiverses. This one and another we call the Minecraft verse. Basically two worlds combined. The Minecraft one called Serf, and the Underverse one that became known as MC. Short for Minecraft.>

There are AU'S that merged with other Multiverses?? <Yes. Although that was the only known case for the Underverse to merge with others.>

Why is he there? <Bendy found the AU right as it's Frisk fell. He wasn't hindered by the Barrier. It is nothing compared to his power. He befriended the Monsters, found out how to bring Asriel and Chara back, and generally helped everyone. But he still.. had his own issues. He was created by humans for entertainment. He had a lot of issues with that. He fits in with monsters more with humans, so eventually Asgore and Toriel adopted him into the family as well. This was one of the AU'S where they came back to each other.>

Alyss finished talking. She seemed nostalgic, shifting in Ink's skull as though getting comfortable. <Does that explain everything for you?> She piped up hopefully.

Ink thought about this. I want to see this AU. I don't know how I missed a page like that in the Doodle Sphere.

Alyss hesitated. <Okay. Let's go there, then.> Ink jumped up in excitement as a flaming Portal appeared, but paused. You won't leave me here, will you?

<You can return on your own. It's technically a part of your Multiverse.>

Ink sighed in relief. He walked through the portal, not sure what he was going to find.

The protective flames wisped out of existence as buttery sunlight temporarily blinded him.

Ink stood in a glade. Flowers dotted the area, leaning in the breeze. A house was on his right, oddly made of squares. In fact, everything seemed oddly squared. Or rectangular. It was slightly off-putting until Ink noticed the trees. They were straight-up chunky. They were weird.

Ink cast that aside, heading for the front of the building. As he got close enough, Ink trailed his fingers across the cobblestone wall, noting the rough texture and crevices.

Turning the corner, Ink witnessed monsters milling about with people literally made of squares and rectangles. It was... fascinating, but peculiar. At least the monsters appeared normal.

<Did I mention the Minecrafters?> Alyss asked, bemused. Pfft, no. They're weird! <Well, they actually come from the same reality as me, same as​ Bendy. I just come from a different dimension of it. Most of these people are called Players. Most are also humans.> The only Players that aren't squares are the dragons. No idea why.>

Ink was enraptured by this place. It fascinated him to no end. He paused before a broad-shouldered grey humanoid. It held a rose. <Iron golem. They protect villages from hostile mobs. Mobs and creatures. You'll find out what mobs are soon enough.>

What, they're not groups of people? <No, not that kind of mob. But you'll- wait, don't look at that thing's eyes!>

She jumped to warn Ink about the tall, black thing standing off to the side, lazily watching the crowd. Why? What is it, anyway?

<A mob. Specifically an Enderman. They get extremely agitated when someone looks into their eyes. They can teleport and cause a lot of damage. In some Minecraft worlds though, they are pretty chill. They have their own language, Endspeak. They come from a place called the End. Tell you more later.>

Ink was again, fascinated. He wondered around the village until he spotted a Gaster. He was actively hunting for something as he quickly made his way between buildings.

<Oh yeah, we rescued this Gaster​ from the Void. This AU'S Void had merged with Serf's End. He's probably looking for Sans. Again.> A light chuckle.

Ink smiled at her nostalgia, and went on. He spotted the mountain. Ebbot. The upper half.. wasn't​ there.

<Look up.>

Ink craned his neck to see a large shadow high in the distance, in the shape of the missing half of the mountain. What?!?!

<Bendy didn't break the Barrier. He used his power and removed the top of Mt. Ebott. Now it has a nice view.>

Ink was reeling at this. That's AWESOME!!! He thought. Ink wondered about teleporting there.

"Hello?" A voice interrupted his thoughts. Alyss clenched in his skull and his Soul as she recognized him.

Ink looked down to see a black and white person with a large round head that curved inward at the top to form horns. A wirey tail tipped with a heart curled behind him. His face, hands, and a little bowtie on his chest were white- wait, his head was floating above his body. His eyes were piecut ovals that curved inward at the bottom in a smile. Ink was surprised to meet him so soon.

"You look like a Sans, but I don't think your ours at all. Are you?" He smiled kindly. Ink chuckled.

"Heh. You're right. M'name's Ink. I've actually heard of you already!"

Bendy seemed a little put off for​ a moment, then shook his head with a grin. "Who told you about me? I always prefer to introduce myself!"

Ink snorted. "I get the feeling. A friend of mine would always talk about me to others behind my backbone." He was of course, talking about Blue.

"Alyss told me about you!" He continued jubiantly. Bendy looked confused, then laughed.

"I have no idea why she told you that name, she uses that for her Minecrafter disguise. We know her​ by the name Sinead!"

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