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The unusual trio of Sanses were snacking on mediocre tacos when the voice in Ink's mind suddenly came alive.

<Oh my God.>

He tried to hide his shock, knowing the other two couldn't hear anything.

Why are you here?
<Jesus Christ, Ink! Did you never think to wake us?? How long has it been?!>
There was a note of panic in her voice.

Ink paused for a second, not sure what Alyss meant. Wait, you mean you were just.. asleep? You weren't ignoring me?
<Why on Earth would I ignore you? God.. damnit, Ink. I just.. I didn't think that place would do that again.>
Do.. what exactly?
<Put me to sleep. God, how long was it? How did you get out? Please tell me you didn't leave Error!>

Ink was rather surprised that Alyss had never meant this. But the question of how long they had been missing..

"Hey Blue, how long ago did we disappear anyway?" The energetic skeleton froze. Error looked at him too, clearly not knowing himself.

"About 6 months." He sighed defeatedly. "SIX MONTHS?!" Both Ink and Error shouted in dismay. 

"Wait, don't panic! The Multiverse was actually calm! Nothing.. crazy happened in your absence..?" Blue tried to say hopefully, tension in his words.

"Nonononono, it's not -" Ink began nervously.
Error cut in timidly. "It's just that.."

"I haven't Created that whole time."
"I haven't Destroyed the whole time."

They stared at each other incredulously. "You.." "Uhh.." "But.."
"Uhhhh.." "Nothing.. happened..?"

Ink stared at his hands, a little in shock. Error continued saying "uh" while glitches filled his sockets. At some point he fell silent and stared at his strings.

Blue sat beside the pair, not sure what to do.

<There was no Creation or Destruction. The Multiverse is stable on its own without them.> Alyss stated softly.
It's still my job..
<You made a promise.>

With a jolt, Ink remembered when he first arrived in the Land Between Worlds. The conversation with Error.

..But it's my job.. What do I do if not that?
<Protect. Help others. Creating was just a part of your job, really. A big part, but only a part. Take up a hobby. Or better, have real friends. See what it is to be alive.>

Ink wasn't sure what to say. He glanced back at Error. The skeleton looked close to crashing, even if there were fewer glitches surrounding him.

Blue placed a comforting hand on Error's shoulder. With a blink, the glitching began to fade. Error gasped in disbelief. "I'm.... I'm free.." He whispered. A single tear ran down his face. "They won't hurt me anymore.."

Ink felt like he shouldn't be here. Like his presence was an insult. He wasn't sure if he should go, or to stay. Error covered his face as tears started pouring out. Blue was hugging him, and Ink felt so much shame sitting there.

He had fought Error for so long. He had tried to kill him for so long. Ink had been so clueless the entire time. Error had been in so much pain. Ink felt the crushing guilt from years of ignorance. He looked away, his face wet.

Wiping at his sockets, Ink saw that he was crying. The black liquid stained his sleeve, marring it. He sighed as a few more made tracks down his face.

It made the Soul within him ache. Ink didn't like the feeling, but he let it consume him. He sat in place, frozen in the guilt with tears running from his sockets.
Ink felt a weight on his spine and realized it was a hand. Blue was there, face full of concern. Ink had never cried before. It was probably shocking for Blue to witness.

He smiled half-heartedly. "I tried to kill him.." The smile vanished. "I had tried to kill him for so long...."

The ache worsened, constricting the Soul inside with the deep emotions. Ink desperately wanted it to go away. But it clung to him like a filthy parasite.
<Just let it in.> Alyss mumbled quietly. <Let it in for a little while.. You'll know when to let it go.>

So he let it in.
And felt the regret like never before.

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