Dreaming in the Mindspace

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Dream was drowsing peacefully, leaning against Ink's right side. Blue was about half a foot away to Ink's left, Error snorting in his sleep beside him. At some point the glitchy skeleton had arrived with Blue leading him to a seat.

The credits were rolling now, but Ink was staring at the screen while processing what he'd just seen.
It was kinda good.
Even if it didn't.. really.. change his overall opinion on anime.
Sinead sighed in exasperation.
<Don't know why you hate it if you made every single AU with anime in it.> Whoops. <Hmm? What was that?>
Nevermind. <I am onto you. You cannot hide your secrets forever, Ink!>
We'll see. <Oh we shall see, indeed! On to the next movie!>

Ink snorted at that. "What next?" He asked Blue. Nothing.
"Blue?" Ink turned to see Blueberry dead asleep, quietly snorting. He leaned on Error, who leaned back on him, snoring a bit.
So I'm the only one left..
<Ah, what the hell. Let's sleep, too.>
But I'm awake.
<Go to sleep.>
But I don't want to.
<We all got shit sleep last night. Go to sleeeeep.>
I refuse.
<I'm sorry, you thought you had control?>
What's that supposed to mean?
<It means you are SLEEPING. Sleep, boi.>
I will never sleep.
<haHA! But you are already almost there!>

Ink felt his sockets drooping shut and forced them open. He tapped his skull triumphantly. Still awake!
<Are you?>
Ink was suddenly doubting himself.
<Ah, yes. I know all of the mind fucks.>
Mind what.
<Mind tricks, sorry. Sleep.>

Ink felt himself slipping away...
And he was kind of annoyed about it.


Ink was hanging in a void, glowing colors shifting all around like he was inside a lava lamp. Except there was lightless black, as well. And yellow tinted white shining fiercely, sparks coming off of it. The place gave him a weird sense of Deja Vu.

"What, can't recognize your own Mindspace?"

A flaming fire elemental sat on the floor, wearing a tight-fitting gold shirt and blue white jeans. Her eyes were bright blue. The floor was mostly the white stuff, casting a light on her clothes. She looked familiar. Her voice was much more familiar.

Sinead? "Yep. This is why I wanted you to sleep. Partly. I was genuinely tired. Which helps."

She smiled a little awkwardly. Ink floated down and sat across from her.
Mindspace, huh?
"Yeah. It looks like even our subconscious merged. The white.."
Ink stared at a vein of the stuff. He touched it. Felt nothing but a faint warmth.
This is you?
"My subconscious mind, yes. I just know that everyone sees something in the background of their minds when they try to imagine something. It's connected to who they are. It often reflects their personality... And yours is obvious. Mine.. I have no idea."

Ink glanced around. It was familiar.
"Go ahead. Imagine something."

He pictured Classic, and a slightly ghostly Classic Sans appeared. "Given that you're the former God of Creation, that was pretty creative."
"Meh. I'll give you credit. You are a bit confused." She shrugged, chuckling.
Ink stood up effortlessly. Well why am I here if I should be asleep?
"You ARE asleep. And I just wanted to show you some things the easy way."

She waved an arm, and everything changed.
Round hills of turquoise and blue, all of them quite pale. Trees made of triangles were everywhere, but one large one caught his attention.

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