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She wanted to do something.

She was awake in Ink's mind, sluggish as his sleep tugged at her mind. She wanted to do something.

<What the hell, he's asleep anyway.> She thought to herself.
<I want to cook.> Sinead decided.

She sat up in the couch Ink had collapsed into earlier that night.

Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 2:36 in the morning. She sighed, a wispy flame caught in her breath.

Sinead stood and stared at the kitchen. <What can I cook?> She asked herself. *Burgers.* Eris immediately offered.

<Mmmm... Maybe. Something a bit more sweet or breakfasty.>
*That's tough. Don't want pancakes. Don't want waffles.. something meaty?*

She crossed arms to think. <What about something with chocolate that takes a bit longer to make? It's 2 in the morning. And chocolate.>

*Chicken?* <Sick of chicken.> *I want chicken florintino.* <Not breakfasty enough. Cooking for the house..> *Chocolate pancakes.*

<Wait. Pot pie!! That's the best!!> *But it isn't breakfast??* <Fuck it, now I really want it. And I'll go ahead on the chocolate pancakes too.> *Yisssss.*

She summoned her leather backpack. Opening it, she snapped her fingers lightly, a soft click in the darkness. A bright glowing orange head pushed out of the bag. Firefang, the 'cleverly' named Firefox with wings and opposable thumbs looked at her and yipped tiredly. She rubbed his head.

"Missed you too, Fangy." He glared a blue-orange eye at her as if to say really?

"C'mon, I need the pot pie stuff." She explained to the intelligent animal. Firefang yawned, ending in a whine.

He pulled his head back inside, a muffled clattering as he poked through things. The bag was literally like a TARDIS, being massive on the inside. Sinead had many tricks up her sleeve. She was sure she would forever be surprising. She liked shocking the people who knew her.

She was in the kitchen by now, absorbed in her thoughts as she rolled the dough for the food.

She was well aware that things were very different now. But life was always changing. She had taken many forms before. She'd even been a skeleton. But that was a disguise at the time. To get closer to Sanses she'd been curious about. Tons of people didn't like or trust her. She was too erratic and unpredictable. Sinead understood that. She couldn't help it, though. She had a changling personality. She was never in one place for long. She flitted from one thing to another, rarely sticking around for a slow burn.

She stopped​ moving for a moment. Sinead didn't have close attachments, not ones that understood her. She was too afraid to really show herself to others. She just got to know them and keep them safe. But no one could make sense of her.

She continued with the dough.

Sinead blamed her life in the burning world. It had beaten her down, over and over, when she was sensitive and weak. She had been laughed at.. so many times. Mockery was Soul crushing, pun intended.

She was impressed that you were still here, reading about her pathetic life in your world.

Sinead put the food in the oven. She had put it together quickly. She went to work on another, putting the empty jar of Rex broth in the sink and pulled out the second one.

Yes, the meat was Trex. They existed in a land she'd created in the northernmost reaches of another Minecraft world known as AL for short. The Trex territory was known as the Old World.

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