Why he Destroyed

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Ink wasn't sure what to do. "He could have done anything in the time we weren't around!" "I know."

He laced his fingers together, thinking. "I need to get my colors back. And not for myself."

"Ok. But what exactly can he do with them? If nothing has happened so far, then maybe he doesn't care."

Ink glared at Error dead in the eyelights. "He could screw up the entire Multiverse. He's the kind of guy who believes in 'to make an omelette, you gotta break some eggs.' Only in this case it's a few thousand, maybe million."

Error stared back. "You gave him your colors." "Gah- I wasn't thinking straight!!" "Really? By that logic-" "I don't wanna hear it, I need to fix this!"

Error now shot Ink a look. "Fine, but not until you fix some other things first! If you're gonna help me, then do it before someone else tries to kill me! I'm sick of being viewed as fucking scum when it was me or them! I chose me!! Always they would look at me and run away, or look at me and spit in my face!! I'm not taking any shit anymore!!!"

Error finished shouting, now glaring as he caught his breath. Ink was a little shocked at the outburst, but he got the message.

It was going to be awhile before Ink could confront X-Gaster. "What do you need me to do." He avoided Error's piercing gaze.

The hard eyelights softened, primarily in surprise. Then he looked down as well. "Nightmare.. I guess."

Ink sighed. "Now?" "Well -no. Tacos first. I'm hungry." "Okay. But Error. I just dumped a lot of personal info on you. You gotta pay me back."

Error cringed away. "What the fuck do you mean?" Ink stared at him. "I told you why I create. Tell me why you destroy."

The darker skeleton flinched. "Why I.." His eyelights flitted around nervously. "It's only fair." Ink added.

Error wrung his hands anxiously. "O-o-ok. I guess.. I guess so." He stared at the strings on his hands, sockets wide.

"It hurts." He finally said. "What hurts?" Error gazed up at the ceiling, not hearing him.

"All the AU'S. There's too many. I.. I can feel it.. It's not so bad now.. I don't know why. But I could always feel them in my Soul and in my skull. It would hurt so much. And the voices."

Error ran a trembling hand over his face. "They would say things. The worst things. Tell me to destroy or else. If I didn't.." Error didn't finish.

The look on his face told Ink enough. He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear it.

Thankfully Error didn't elaborate.

"I hated doing it. I hated seeing them screaming, in pain, dying. But the pain didn't stop. The voices didn't stop. So I kept doing it. I started getting worse, and angrier about it to. I even tried killing myself. A lot. Nothing worked. When we first met, I was hoping you'd kill me. But you didn't. You told me you created the AU'S. I guess I blamed you for my pain. You created the stuff that hurt me so much..."

Error stared through Ink, eyelights dull. "I lost my mind for a while. I hated everything. I wanted to kill everything. I don't know.. the voices called me an abomination, so I started calling the Multiverse an abomination. All the AU's were glitches, not me... But I was just kidding myself."

Error was hugging his kneecaps to his ribs. "I really cared. Untill I just gave up. Nightmare and his gang made me sane again, mostly. Made no difference, though. I just gave up. A part of my Soul died, and I fell into this sick routine.. I don't know how long it lasted. It's blurry and all the same. When you asked me if I really believed the AU'S were abominations.. I just didn't know how to handle it, I guess. I still don't​ know."

Ink stared at Error in shock and disbelief. And regret. Error saw and misinterpreted it. "Don't you fucking pity me."

"I!..I ..I... don't know. I'm sorry." Ink looked away, hiding his guilt. "I guess I was kinda arrogant."

"Kinda?" Error snorted. "I think the food's done anyway." He hopped down on the floor, glanced at Ink, and opened the door.

And slammed it again, looking shocked.

Ink faced him quizzically. "What?" "They're at the door." "Huh?" "They were at the door."

Ink finally understood. He got up and opened the door again to see a crying Blue. "I'm sorry, I meant -" hic "to tell you the tacos were ready"- hic - "but then I heard"- hic -"what you"-

Ink sighed in exasperation and put an arm around Blueberry and started walking to the stairs. Blue explained through hiccuping tears how Error had never told him he had tried to kill himself and he should have told him that.

Ink was a little crushed to know that Error's past and situation wasn't news at all to Berry. He silently wondered what else Blue knew about. He had been talking to the whole of Nightmare's gang freely.

He put that thought aside. Ink needed to talk to them soon, and he wasn't sure what he was going to do. Or what he was going to say.

But Ink was determined to do this.

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