Ch. 20 I'll Keep My Promise Part 1

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I can't believe that this story has come so far! This is so exciting!

Third Person 

Clover-dale Train Station


Lucy along with Sting, Rogue, Minerva, Yukino, and Rufus all stood on the wooden platform of the station. Master Jiemma had been called to Crocus, specifically Mercurius castle. Then, two days later, a letter arrived saying that the guild's strongest team needed to be called in. None other than Rufus, Minerva, Yukino, Rogue, Sting, Orga, and Lucy. Orga had been out on a job when the letter arrived, so it was just the six of them. 

Lector and Frosch sat on Lucy's shoulders and Plue sat on her head. Her right-hand though was occupied by Stings left-hand. Minerva sulked a little when she heard Lucy was in a relationship but was delighted when she learned her new boyfriend was none other than Sting.

But the happy occasion was cut short when a letter arrived from the capital. It had floated slightly down into Minerva's hands. When she opened it, an image of the master appeared in a slight blue haze. 

¨It seems that things are direr than it seems we thought. All of the top strongest guilds are requesting the presence of our strongest members.¨

¨I will be sending Minerva, Rufus, Orga, Yukino, Sting, Rogue, and of course, Lucy. I want you all to be on the next train to Crocus as soon as possible. Things are not looking good for Fiore, be on your best behavior you two, you know who I'm talking to.¨

Lucy shouted in protest with a flustered expression, embarrassed that she had been called out. The memory was still fresh in her mind and her cheeks flushed a bright pink. Lucy and Orga had never gotten along. They remained everyone of how Natsu and Gray used to act. Always fighting every other second.

Whenever Lucy entered the room, Orga was always asking for a fight, and Lucy always complied. It ended up with Lucy being the victor, and the guildhall a mess. The entire guild would get involved, but it was fun, and it made great training too.

Now, the group of eight, including Lector and Frosch, were boarding the train. Of course, Lucy sat next to Sting and Rogue sat next to Yukino, Minerva next to Rufus in the next booth over. Rogue and Stings' face turned green, prompting Lucy to laugh at them, only to turn pale when the train jerked to a start. Yukino giggled at the three. 

¨Its to bad that Orga couldn't come along.¨ 

Minerva turned to Yukino, who was looking up slightly.

¨Yes, it is, but he left on a mission a couple of days ago and it's supposed to take longer than a week, that if you count the days of traveling and if he gets hurt.¨ 

Lucy steadied herself before standing up, catching the group's attention. 

¨I, excuse me. I have to find the bathroom.¨

The train ride was fast, which made the two dragon slayers happy, but Lucy never entered the train.

Soon, the train came to a stop and everyone got off. Sting started to kiss the ground and the others laughed or rolled their eyes. They started to walk off the station and the train rolled away to its next destination. They were looking at the map when their portable lacrima. Sting pulled out the lacrima and read aloud the caller id.


Yukino looked around the group and noticed that Lucy was not present. Oh no




"YOU GUYS LEFT WITHOUT ME! -aggggg- come, help, stop this horror please......"

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