Ch.13 A Broken Key

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Hello my little fairys!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! This chapter is dedicated to AnnAnnAdlayan4.

Lucy's pov

I sighed happily as all the stress of today seemed to wash off me. I closed my eyes as silence enclosed me, but not for long.
Lucy watch out!!
Oh look! She died protecting a monster!!
I gasped and straightened up. I felt my eyes burning up and quickly got out of the bath. I wiped my body with a white fluffy towel and changed into some pjs. A simple black tank with white shorts. I pulled my hair up and reali didn have a hair tie. I groaned and walke sto my dresser that holds clothes and my makeup. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in a loose top bun. I turned around but a gold shine caught my attention. I froze. I know that glow all to well. I slowly turned around to look down on the gold object. Aquarius. Just a month ago, I had to sacrifice my longest friend to save my friends. Correction, I sacrificed my a family member, possibly the last person alive who was close to my mother, to save my family. And know, their no longer my family.

3rd pov

Unaware to Lucy, she had started crying. It was all to much. She lost Aquarius, her family, but at the same time, she gained so much. A new family, a new chance, her power. She remembered all the times she couldn't protect her friends, her family. Lucy shook her head and wiped away the tears. "I shouldn't dwell on the past! I should instead enjoy the present!" She shouted enthusiastically while clapping her hands on her cheeks. After Lucy finished, she summoned Plue and went downstairs to make dinner. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Then, a flash of blonde interred her mind. Lucy gasped and bumped her head on the door frame, falling on the floor. She laid there, thinking about the blonde dragon slayer. Eh! Why am I thinking of him?! Lucy pulled herself up and recalled all the tines she had seen him. The only time Lucy had ever seen Sting was at the Grand Magic Games, and today. Just the thought of today made Lucy blush. Sting, the light dragon slayer, was holding her. Why was he holding her? That's when she remembered. She had used a different magic in front of them, a magic not even Fairy Tail had seen. After that thought, Lucy wasn't hungry anymore. She walked up to her room and made a plan. She would train. Tomorrow, she would spend the entire day out in the woods and train with her magic, that's if Sabertooth doesn't come demanding answers. That thought brought up another question, how would Sabertooth react? Lucy walked out of the kitchen, the package of strawberry in hand, and sat down on the soft white couch. She was nervous. Tomorrow she would either train or go to the guild. Hopefully train. Oh well, only time will tell.

Yeah uh, didn't Remy know what to do with this chapter. Just wanted to include the broken key.

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