A/N Sorry

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Okay, okay guys, I am really sorry. I never thought this would happen to this book but I just need some time to write some new chapters, think of the plot a little more, work on some new projects, and focus on school.

I have finals coming up-totally not ready for those-and after that Christmas which will be filled with family drama and fun.

I do have some new Fairy Tail story's in the makings and my Four Strangers-One Adventure that's out and I really like that one better then this one. It mostly has to do with the way I set up that one. I just like that setup better then this story's one. 

I have one more chapter I can update for you guys and then I want to take a break from the story to work on some new chapters and ideas. My updates will also be changing my updates to, hopefully, every Friday and if not, at least every other Friday. I know sounds long but I feel like the time is going by too fast and slipped through my fingers.

I am hoping that my break won't take long. I have a laptop now so it will be easier to work on my story's, and faster. I also have been trying to work on them at school when I have any free time. 

I really am sorry and hope you can understand. I just want to get more chapters done before I update anymore.

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